Character foils are important to any story or play as they compare and contrast character traits as the story unfolds. A young leader motivated to conquer foreign lands, make a name for himself, and avenge his father’s death at the hands of Hamlet ’s own father, Fortinbras is Hamlet’s opposite in every way. He is a man of action, whereas Hamlet is a scholar and philosopher. was killed by his uncle Claudius and Fortinbras' father was Fortinbras risks death for a "fantasy" of honor while he himself in his so much more substantial cause-"a father killed, a mother stainedw-lets "all sleep." Fortinbras is instrumental in this resolution: as the only nobleman left to claim the throne rightfully, Hamlet bequeaths not only the land that Old Fortinbras lost, but also the state of Denmark. The theme of revenge is widely represented in the novel of William Shakespeare ‘Hamlet’. Firstly, they are both a menace to Denmark, now ruled by the murderous Claudius: Fortinbras is invading the sacred space of the Danish kingdom from outside; Hamlet … In Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Hamlet there are similarities between Hamlet, Fortinbras, and Laertes. It could be said that Fortinbras was more successful, overall, than Hamlet because his character progressed emotionally and he learnt to control himself, whereas Hamlet’s character did the opposite and regressed emotionally and became insecure and violent. Fortinbras father, King of Norway, was killed during battle for control of “a little patch of ground”(4. A foil is when a main character is compared to another character to better reveal the characteristics of the main character, as well as his intentions and motivations. How are the two figures alike? is shocked that, at the Danish Court, "so many princes" have died. He would go at any length to get the job done, thus making the reader see that he does not think things through before he does anything. The difference is definitely that Fortinbras avenges his dad’s i9000 loss of life, while Hamlet will not really. It tells the story of a young prince, Hamlet, who in a meeting with his father’s ghost uncovers that his uncle murdered his father to become King. Character Foils of Hamlet Maybe this extra female influence is one of the reasons why Hamlet thinks more about his actions, whereas Fortinbras, who for all we know may have little or no female influence, just does things without thinking about them, and also behaves quite violently – both stereotypical male traits.You get the sense that Gertrude and Hamlet were much closer before King Hamlet died, because after the death the swift marriage between Gertrude and Claudius drove a wedge between mother and son. This shows significant correlation between Hamlet and Fortinbras; both princes were overlooked as the positions of kings by-passed them.A difference between the families of Hamlet and Fortinbras is the importance of the role of Hamlet’s mother. Fortinbras will take actions in reclaiming his dad’s name and honor. Fortinbras is the first characters we (without even trying) can compare to Hamlet. The contrast lies in their motives; Hamlet wishes to kill Claudius for personal revenge while Fortinbras works in the name of Norway and of honor (Humphreys and Si). With all that’s. They all are very similar but yet different at the same time. However, Hamlet handles the situation in a different manner then Fortinbras. In this essay I am going to consider what such comparisons reveal about both characters and the play as a whole.There can be many similarities made between Hamlet and Fortinbras and also some important differences, the most obvious being the length of the role of Hamlet compared to the length of the role of Fortinbras. His play, Hamlet, is one of the second most famous plays out of all which conveys that man cannot always be courageous and content. Fortinbras character presents a vivid contrast to Hamlet. Fortinbras is the prince of neighboring Norway. Hamlet vs Laertes Since the story of Hamlet is very popular and a subject of interest in English literature, it can be very useful to know the difference between Hamlet and Laertes for the students of English literature. Let us first focus on the similarities between them. Hamlet is based off of jealousy, revenge, and tragedy. In Act I, two different revenge plots by these two men are revealed, and while Fortinbras is very open and bold about killing Claudius, Hamlet is sly and quiet about his plan. Another important difference is that of their occupations. Fortinbras marches his army to Poland, in order to fight for a worthless piece of land. At first glance you may not notice any explicit similarities between Hamlet and Fortinbras, but as we can see, with a closer look there are several conclusions we can draw.For one, I think that the death of both princes’ fathers gives them common ground, but leads to the very different ways in which they each go about handling their grief. When Hamlet hears a ghost of his father has been spotted he wants to see it for himself.The ghost tells him that it was murdered, poisoned by Claudius. Hamlet in a Nutshell - Hamlet Is an Anti-War Play. If you are a student of English literature, you must have studied Hamlet: the great tragedy by William Shakespeare. When Hamlet is on his way to England he runs into Fortinbras and his army. But, while Hamlet sits around contemplating life and death, Fortinbras takes clear and immediate action by raising an army to reclaim Norway’s lost territories. I have already mentioned that Hamlet is more of a thinker, and Fortinbras more of a doer. Both princes have their own secrets. Because Hamlet and Fortinbras both lost their fathers and have sworn to avenge their deaths, Fortinbras is a perfect parallel of Hamlet. This is the contrasting element that makes Hamlet different from Fortinbras. His father was killed by Hamlet’s father, and Fortinbras is looking for revenge. Hamlet is merely trapped inside his convoluted mind. Like Hamlet, he is young ruler, heir to his father's throne, determined, resolute and honorable. ” This proves that Fortinbras believes Hamlet would have made a good king, and so carries a certain admiration for him. Another reason why Fortinbras is more successful is that he always takes action – admittedly sometimes a little too hastily, but he is efficient and has solutions to problems and even if his escapades are fuelled by madness, atleast he has the resources to carry them out.Hamlet however, tends to think too much, and is slow in taking action, and despite the composition of many plans he ends up claiming revenge on his uncle through an act of spontaneity. In comparison, Fortinbras could not care less if the country he is planning to attack hears about his plan while Hamlet is a little different and does not want a soul to know anything about what he is planning. A different direction. Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras are three main characters that reveal the feeling of revenge. Hamlet resolves to be a "tough man" just like his hero Fortinbras. He is impressed by Fortinbra's aggression over a "straw" and laments his own inaction over feeling personally used and insulted.Laertes has some of the fire that Hamlet covets but is less in control as Fortinbras. Though they were all in different positions of power, had differing objectives, and even some wanting to kill each other, they all share a special connection that makes them vital parts of this classic revenge tail. All three of these men avenge in very different ways. However, Hamlet does not fit either category. Although Hamlet and Fortinbras never actually meet you can tell that they respect one another, for instance, at the end of the play Fortinbras says: “Bear Hamlet, like a soldier, to the stage;For he was likely, had he been put on, To have proved most royally. Hamlet has a better case for revenge, because his father was murdered by his uncle, whereas Fortinbras’ father was killed fairly, in a duel, against the late King Hamlet, therefore Fortinbras wants revenge on Denmark.Hamlet pursues his revenge sensibly, at first, by testing the words of the ghost with a play. 07 November 2017 An interesting similarity between Hamlet and Fortinbras is that both finally achieved the revenge they craved, Hamlet avenged his father; by killing his uncle and Fortinbras becomes king of Denmark, the country that his father died trying to win. He was also very crucial to the play’s ending and to bring a remedy to the corruption that has plagued Denmark. Similarities Between Hamlet, Fortinbras, and Laertes in Shakespeare's Hamlet 588 Words | 2 Pages. This information is revealed in Act I of the play along with how Hamlet must try and kill Claudius to help avenge his father’s death. The main difference between the three men is that Fortinbras and Laertes are willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goal while Hamlet spends the majority of his time in thought trying to decide the right thing to do. Though his uncle (the current king of Norway) diverts Fortinbras from attacking Denmark, in the end, prince Fortinbras helps himself to the Danish throne. Both Hamlet and Fortinbras have vowed to seek revenge for the deaths of their fathers. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. At Hamlet’s recommendation and due to a distant connection, Fortinbras becomes the next king of … The use of character foils allows the audience to understand a characters way of thought and the actions that they take. Both princes have various conflicts with their uncles. This change could be pinpointed in the line: “O, from this time forth My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth! In the play Hamlet, by William F. How are the two figures alike? He is supported or opposed by characters who are considered foils to him. Hamlet on the other hand is very indecisive about killing Claudius even though he knows Claudius is guilty of his father’s death. Although Hamlet and Fortinbras shared many similarities in their status, situation and motives, their personality differences exposed Fortinbras’ significance to the plot. That is the complete opposite of Hamlet. On his own, Fortinbras is not a valuable character because he offers nothing to the plot or major events in the story. “This shows that despite the sight of death and destruction Fortinbras is keeping his head and acting with respect. He is a soldier, immersed in the way of the military, where discipline is required in the midst of chaos. Whereas Hamlet finds his situation unbearable and resorts to ineffectual and melancholy contemplation, Fortinbras is a man of action who effectively takes advantage of his situation. Hamlet is impressed that Fortinbras is such a "masuline man" ready to risk lives simply for a fight. While dying, Hamlet leaves the throne to Denmark to Fortinbras, and we feel sure that Denmark will be safe in the hands of this man. But, while Hamlet sits around contemplating life and death, Fortinbras takes clear and immediate action by raising an army to reclaim Norway’s lost territories. Fortinbras decides to still conquer an area of Poland even though there is no real reason for it other than the fact that he had already set out to do it. Hamlet, Fortinbras, and Laertes all played very important roles in William Shakespeare's Hamlet, and in one way or another all seem to connect. Both have lost fathers at the hand of somebody else, as Hamlet lost his father thanks to the murderous intentions of Claudius, and Fortinbras lost his father thanks to Hamlet’s father, who killed him in war. He only has about 30 lines in the play. The first difference is that King Hamlet was murdered by poisoning, while King Fortinbras died on the battlefield(1.1.95). Fortinbras and Hamlet are different in how they reveal their revenge plans. We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. Throughout most of the play Hamlet is peaceful and thoughtful, and Fortinbras vice versa. In Hamlet the character of Fortinbras, a young Norwegian (THESIS) This essay will support a proposal by Harley Granville Barker in his “Preface To Hamlet,” that suggests this moment in Act IV, iv is where Hamlet reconstructs his own philosophy based on his contemplation of Fortinbras’ war. The English literature term for this assessment between 2 characters is actual a Foil. This matter leads to another contrast in their lifestyles. However, Fortinbras’s response to his situation is very different from Hamlet’s. “Hamlet: But I do prophesy th’ election lights On Fortinbras. Fortinbras is decisive and warrior-like whereas Hamlet vacillates and is much more peace-loving. Fortinbras / ˈ f ɔːr t ɪ n b r æ s / is either of two minor fictional characters from William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet.The more notable is a Norwegian crown prince with a few brief scenes in the play, who delivers the final lines that represent a hopeful future for the monarchy of Denmark and its subjects. Hamlet feels the same way or he would not have put forwards Fortinbras’ name as the next king of Denmark. Therefore Fortinbras is a Foil for Hamlet as Shakespeare used the character to demonstrates Hamlet's flaws and weaknesses Hamlet, Leartes and Fortinbras all had some huge issues to work out in their lives. the Prince of Denmark. their fathers to untimely deaths. He is sorry to learn of the circumstances of Hamlet’s death as narrated to him by Horatio and says. However, by the end Hamlet is the one who uses violent methods; he murders his uncle in a fit of rage whereas Fortinbras talks through his issues with the king of Norway and peacefully accepts the role of King in Denmark.This dramatic change in the characters personalities could be described as role reversal, Hamlet started off peaceful and ended up resorting to violence. Before Hamlet’s final declaration of revenge in Act IV, he was still in shock over the death of his father and the incredible situation that he was placed in, having to kill King, The Shakespearean play, Hamlet, is a story of revenge and the way the characters in the play respond to grief and the demands of loyalty. Hamlet resolves to be a "tough man" just like his hero Fortinbras. This citation demonstrates the Hamlet admits that Fortinbras could possibly be the only real man deserving to pick the throne devoting their vote while the pioneer for Fortinbras. He puts together an army, to attack Denmark for personal, rather than political reasons, then, when he is found out he marches an entire army to Poland to fight for a small area of Poland that nobody particularly cares about, as a captain of the army says: “We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name. Although characters may seem similar, the use of character foils can show their differences. They are also important in Hamlet as they are imperative to the plot of the play and the final, results of that delay lead to a disastrous failure by Hamlet. If the ghost of Hamlet’s father had not come back then Hamlet would never have been any the wiser about the death of his father, therefore the ghost plays a major role in the story. Although, Hamlet is not sure about what he is going to do to attack. You'll do better looking at Fortinbras. What themes does Shakespeare examine in the character foil between Hamlet and Fortinbras? However, Fortinbras likes to take immediate action, perhaps rushing into situations without thinking through the consequences, he could be described as a little too rash. In Hamlet, the main character tries to get revenge on his father’s death by plotting the murder of Claudius, but it is his indecisiveness that leads to many problems. Hamlet spends most of the play stalling in his promise to avenge his father. He is neither a patient man who carefully plots out his revenge nor a madman that cannot control his actions. Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals. 32) to defeat Denmark showing his determination. Both therefore are in the position of being sole heirs or princes to a kingdom and also needing to revenge the death of their father. – such a sight as this Becomes the field, but here shows much amiss. ” Which means that the ghost is an omen of worse to come.Near the beginning of the play Hamlet pretends to be mad, as a way of gathering information, but it could be suggested that Fortinbras is mad. Study: In-depth Character analysis of Fortinbras. Claudius killed Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, and King Hamlet killed Fortinbras' father. Hamlet’s desire to murder Claudius is out of revenge, while Fortinbras’ plan, however personal it may be, is done in the name of the nation of Norway and in the name of honor. ” This shows how his character has evolved and matured. His only purpose is to elucidate on Hamlet’s character, demonstrating the difference one decision can make in two very similar circumstances. Also, a factor which is bound to affect their actions is that they have both been overlooked as future kings. foils of Hamlet Hamlet finds their marriage to be “foul incest”( Fortinbras arrives in Denmark just as the climax is reached. Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Hamlet and Fortinbras have both lost This is how Horatio describes him: “No, sir, young Fortinbras, Of inapproved mettle hot an full,”This portrays Fortinbras as an impulsive, outgoing type who hasn’t yet been approved of as future king. The English literature term for this comparison between two characters is known as a Foil. The way they worked out these problems is how we see the action behind the men and are able to recognize the traits that influenced all characters in the play, not just the ones discussed here. them, it’s important to remember that our actions speak louder than words. 29) uncle and trains his troops while "The lists, and full proportions are all made out of his subject" (I. ii. Even though he wants to avenge his father’s death and obey the ghost, he is not as active or into the attacking, Macbeth: Character Analysis Of Macbeth Essay. Fortinbras as a Foil to Hamlet In conclusion this is how Fortinbras can be used as a Foil for Hamlet. Is decisive and warrior-like whereas Hamlet dwells on thoughts and ideas at.! Plan ( s ) of attack Hamlet there are similarities between Hamlet, by William F. how are two. Is impressed that Fortinbras is dead set on attacking Denmark and it seems one... Peaceful and thoughtful, and Fortinbras are both princes, Hamlet of Denmark an army to Poland, order! 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