However he manages to break free as the ice hadn't reached his heart. With these final words, Law re-enters the facility.[13]. He pulls it free when the shark tries to attack again only to get caught in the poison from the slime in the water. Caesar mentions he sent soldiers the Marines' way. He sees footsteps coming toward him and recognizes the figure, asking what he is doing on the island. Meanwhile at the lab's front door, the G-5 unit is still battling Caesar's guards, successfully managing to capture a ship. #onepiece #onepieceanime Luffy is caught in the blast and starts to fall to which Caesar calls for his slimes to grab him. Caesar suddenly appears, gloating that the slime will take care of all of them. The story flashes back to an hour earlier when they had begun their search when they spotted giant footprints in the ground thinking it belong to a snowman. Zoro cites they need to be more careful, warning that he is not joking and yells to Luffy "The New World starts here. On the trolley, Momonosuke cries at his father's state. Suddenly, Luffy's group arrives in time to witnesses Nami in Franky's body hitting Sanji in her body. The Marines then draw up a line and tell the pirates not to cross the line, as they are pirates and therefore, a stain on humankind. The kids then exclaim that they do not wish to go in there, because it looks scary, and because of the fact that there is something around them. Follow. Usopp is concerned about the Sunny, but Franky assures him that the ship will not lose. Smoker states that if Caesar is continuing his research now, then there will be another incident like before if they do not stop him soon. He realizes the scent of gas on the ship. [3], Back at Punk Hazard, Luffy decides to pull the legs out of the dragon's head in order to save him. Smoker inquires to Law why Caesar thought he had his heart and a flashback reveals that Caesar had forgotten he had given Law Monet's heart as insurance they would not betray each other. More information on Dr. Vegapunk is revealed. [38], Afterward Tashigi chides Zoro, rebuffing his claims that she had interfered in the fight before he had a chance to cut Monet. Buffalo also mentions how gullible she can be sometimes such as agreeing to fifty newspaper subscriptions, giving back more money that she borrowed, even paying for others shopping of which she has racked up a massive debt. Smoker comes to the conclusion that the incidents were being falsified and there is a mole within G-5 doing it. The head then reveals to them where they are, the frozen half of Punk Hazard. Meanwhile, Brook uses his astral form to observe the outside of the base, and informs them that it is impossible to go outside without dying. Without hesitation, Luffy sets out to the blazing island, with Vice Admiral Smoker hot on his tail. The Marines has Mocha moved to an examination room, to which Chopper is grateful for, complimenting Mocha on her bravery and hoping that he can save her. Caesar recovers, claiming Luffy underestimated him. The following two tabs change content below. They are interrupted by Luffy, who asks if they are ready to start. [27], The G-5 Marines berate Zoro and Kin'emon for creating a hole in the shutters that the gas can get into it. The recording ends, and Smoker says that the distress call came from this island, without a doubt, due to the description of the island, and island name. Law switching the minds of the Straw Hats using his abilities. Ci stavo pensando da un bel po e avevo raccolto un po tutto il materiale solo che mancava la sigla jap!!!! One Piece (Japanese: ワンピース Hepburn: Wan Pīsu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. The connection cuts out before he can explain more. However a few of Caesar's men still remain in denial about Caesar's declaration, thinking it part of his plan against Luffy and open the vents. After Smiley eats the candy, a reaction build up inside of it and it begins acting weird. [50], Luffy informs the rest of the crew about the alliance he formed with Law's crew and his intention of dethroning the Yonko. The lab escapees finally reach outside where Law identifies the Donquixote Pirate members. Caesar notes that Smiley died and hopes they meet again. One of the kids, Sind, collapses in pain. [34], In the SAD Room, Vergo shows up which Law attempts to use his Devil Fruit ability to retrieve his heart, but Vergo steals it back from him and brutally beats him to the ground by using his heart to immobilize the Shichibukai. It was considered a failure, although it appears to have transformed, In this arc, for the first time it foreshadowed the past of, An as of yet unidentified Underworld Broker by the name of ". Nami overhears this however and forces Zoro to go with them to keep the two from abusing her body (thinking with Zoro around, Sanji will be too busy fighting with him for him to concentrate on ogling her body). He also warns Smoker to advise Sakazuki to keep an eye on Doflamingo as he poses the biggest threat to the Marines and also requests the G-5 Marines promise not to reveal he was there. Indeed where Zoro's group is, the slime is spitting itself over the lake much to the confusion of the group. After the East Blue saga, this one is probably my least favorite so far. Brook asks about the Mini Merry II to which Franky explains he had found a sea passage away from the research laboratory and moved the ship to go pick it up. Smoker's unit does too as a figure rushes toward their area revealed to be Luffy with Franky clinging to him. [35], While Sanji and Tashigi's group are fleeing from the gas, Zoro's group fought against Monet, and Smoker battled against Vergo all on the B Building. The three Straw Hats agree to go into the lake to retrieve it. Holmes of Kyoto Promotional Video Streaming on Crunchyroll Now. A terrified Doflamingo panics and asks what Law wants in exchange for Caesar, to which Law tells him to resign from the Shichibukai before the next day's newspapers' release. The dragon seemingly talks, and asks who they are. [49], Back to the present, Law tells Smoker that he is planning on heading to Green Bit with the Straw Hat Pirates. Tashigi orders her troops to find the kids while she declares that she will stay behind in the room and fight Monet. [24], Brownbeard declares he will save his crew from Caesar's lies, though Caesar taunts him as a failure of a New World Captain before defeating him with his Gastanets attack, blowing him up. Caesar reveals he has other methods of attack such as a flaming sword. [15], Meanwhile on the road towards the mountain leading to the research facility, we find that Zoro, Sanji, and Brook have been knocked out and giant footprints are leading away from them. Smoker is then seen talking to Brownbeard and allows him to go into the gas to retrieve his men, though warns that he intends to arrest them. Grateful the samurai thanks them before they spot figures coming toward them revealed to be the Centaur Patrol Unit they fought earlier running from something, even ignoring the group in their retreat. Robin, Zoro, Luffy, and Usopp riding over the sea of flames on Mini Merry 2. Meanwhile with the Straw Hats, Usopp has made mini-masks for the switched members so they can tell apart who is who. [14], Inside the facility, Caesar has called someone on the Den Den Mushi named Joker who has given him permission to eliminate the Straw Hats, the G-5 soldiers and someone called Kin'emon the Will-O-Wisp and sends his minions to capture them, even allowing them to use poison if they have to. They converge on Luffy which, along with Caesar's castanet, causes an even bigger explosion.[21]. Zoro brushes her off telling her she can have credit for beating Monet much to her chagrin. [29], Caesar realizes the group is heading for Gate #66 in Building R. He orders the passageway between buildings A and B be sealed off, then to blow hole in the sealed part to let the gas in though wishes for the Den Den Mushi to continue running to show the brokers his scientific work. Law tells Smoker if he sees Luffy on the island, he will hunt him down, and that there is nothing to worry about, so they should leave. [20], Caesar's men are relieved at first in that the slime destroyed itself but more pieces of it suddenly appear on the mainland. Vergo informs Law of the message from Doflamingo, "what a shame. Second, Punk Hazard is really just a setup saga for the sagas which are … Franky then busts out of the facility in his Armored Me tank form, with Sanji and the samurai head, and two children with him. Momonosuke also mentions that he had overheard Caesar telling his underling Monet of how the giant experiment was unstable and that the kids will die in five years if they continue being experimented on. She readies to hit the ignition switch, saying a silent goodbye to Doflamingo. At this point, Brook, Kin'emon, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Robin come to the rescue, and Chopper informs them that he is trying to prevent the children from getting their candy with the assistance of Mocha, who is trying to protect the candy. Outside Zoro's group and the centaurs and trying to get away as fast for they can from the creature, with the former noting how desperate the latter is running away from it. Sanji notices he feels weaker which Usopp notes was from getting blown up by Caesar's explosive gas.[28]. [18], Meanwhile at the G-5's location, the Marines were engaged in battle against the transformed and supposedly dead former prisoners. All the while, a woman in a maid outfit known as Baby 5 tries to assassinate him with a variety of weapons that come out of her arms. Chopper confronts Brownbeard on what he knows, but the former pirate, being an outdoor patrol, has no clue and honestly believes that Caesar is trying to help the kids. The latter manage to damage the Franky Shogun with Baby's 5's scythe form. The brothers then shot the cliff causing the three to plunge to a lower cliff filled with icicle spikes. As the remaining group decide what to do next, Chopper does some tests on the kids to find out what was wrong with them. Morning comes and a News Coo delivers the paper which indeed reads that Doflamingo abdicated his position as a Shichibukai as per Law's demands as well as his royalty of Dressrosa. Mocha then has a moment of lucidity, realizes that she has betrayed the Straw Hats, and starts to beat down the door, while calling for Nami. ENGLISH DUB IS BACK ON ONE PIECE WITH NEW LAUNCH ON DIGITAL After a long hiatus, we’re happy to announce that English-dub audio for the beloved anime series, One Piece, has finally returned! Zoro denies it but claims since Tashigi wants to fight Monet, sits down and permits Tashigi to have the battle. One of his men then report one of the G-5's ships on the shore of the island, to which the gas commands that they get rid of it. As the brokers continue to watch Caesar's men getting paralyzed, Smoker's men likewise see the effects on the video and notice the gas heading straight for them. [1], In the distance, Luffy sees a volcano erupting on an island and decides to head there even though none of the New World Log Pose needles are pointing there. Baby 5 and Buffalo apologize for their failure in retrieving Caesar Clown, but Doflamingo tells them to relax, as they were doing as he ordered. [29], The Marines continue their assault, but just as Zoro is about to strike them. On the supposedly death-ridden and empty island, the Straw Hats soon learn that they are not alone, meeting many new and old foes as they explore the purpose of the island. The Straw Hats, Law, Smoker, and Tashigi trapped in the cage above Punk Hazard. Seeing nothing to gain from engaging Kuzan, Doflamingo takes his leave, but not before questioning Kuzan what he stands for due to rumors he had heard. After Law had defeated Smoker he simply gave Caesar Monet's heart, who thought he gave him Smoker's heart. Monet claims it as a failure but Caesar disagrees, claiming the explosion he did four years ago was part of his schemes. Chopper explains to Mocha about Caesar's deception and using the kids for his experiments and how if Caesar continues to use them, the children will die before they reach adulthood. Back on the island, everything settles down and the group get to work on recovering. DRESSROSA SAGA. He used Punk Hazard as a research facility until an experiment went wrong. The other kids joins in, telling the group that they have recovered from whatever sickness they have had and wish to go back home, which immediately concerns the Straw Hats. Sanji then notices that the men under the gas masks look like sheep. As the two continue, Sanji yells for the Marines to run as the room begins to go into lockdown and the gas is let in from the previous locked room. Leaving Zoro and Brook to deal with the slime that are heading for them. ", Law then tells Vergo that he is the one miscalculation in his plan. Meanwhile Sanji has fixed a stew which he got from Newkama Land. Law manages to hit Vergo with a Counter Shock, but the attack is ineffective on Vergo. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! [5], The children ask if the group is part of the frozen people while most of the boys gush over seeing Franky's robotic appearance. [52], Out on the sea, the crew is taking a breather. Also in the paper is news regarding Kid, On Air and Hawkins Pirates alliance as well, though Law is unconcerned with it. [27], On Punk Hazard, Law begins setting their counterattack into motion. Among the people watching are Big Mom's crew and Captain Kid's who proclaims he is not interested in the weapon but curious as to what is going on. The guard tells Luffy that Caesar is in Building R, to which Luffy immediately sets off for Caesar's location. The dragon soon targets Brownbeard and the Straw Hats. [17], Meanwhile, behind the laboratory, Nami is screaming for the Yeti Cool Brothers to let her go, exclaiming that they will be sorry when Luffy gets there. The kids get out of the balloon, and they ask for candy. File:Straw Hats Arrive in the New World.png, File:Straw Hats Riding Mini Merry Over Sea of Fire.png, File:Straw Hats Arrive at Punk Hazard.png, File:Straw Hats Encounter Vegapunk's Dragon.png, File:Straw Hats Encounter Kids on Punk Hazard.png, File:Sanji and Franky Protecting Children.png, File:Scotch Prepares to Shoot Brownbeard.png, File:Luffy, Robin, and Franky Prepare to Invade Caesar's Lab.png, File:Caesar Clown Defeats The Straw Hats and The Marines.png, File:Punk Hazard Counter Attack Begins.png, File:Monster Monet Attacks Nami and Chopper.png, File:Mocha Suffers from Candy Overdose.png, File:Buffalo and Baby 5 Arrive at Punk Hazard.png, File:Baby 5 and Buffalo Are Defeated by Nami.png, File:Rescue Raft Heads and Den Den Mushi.png, File:Straw Hat Pirates and Allies Read Newspaper.png, Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works", Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals, The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle, Episode of Alabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates, Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura. The group reaches a dead end, but Chopper attacks the door button, and the door opens. Just as he is about to strike the killing blow, Kuzan suddenly shows up and halts him, stating that Smoker is his friend. Monet intervening in Luffy's chase of Caesar. Luffy grabs one of the guards and demands to know where Caesar is. A flashback then occurs to the event. When asked about his leg, Sanji brushes off the question though in his mind he realizes he would have been in real trouble if he had continued fighting Vergo. Caesar then reveals that he has Smoker's heart as well before Monet alerts Caesar that the video is ready.[25]. She then suddenly hugs him and begins to weaken him with her powers, attempting to coax him into unconsciousness. He boasts very sharp teeth, two horns on his head that point backwards, a pair of wings, and a row of spikes that goes along his backside from the top of his neck to the end of his tail. [15], The brothers contact the guards to comes pick up Brook, Nami (Sanji), and Zoro claiming they have killed them before setting off after the others. [25], Meanwhile, in Caesar's Lab, Caesar enters and starts to converse with Vergo. Luffy mistakes the whale they hit for Laboon. The four arrive at the … Upon finding out he is not, the centaur attacks Luffy, who easily takes him down. Sanji tells Luffy that he managed to cut off some meat, but the fish that they had caught had been burnt to a crisp by the sea of flames. Luffy rockets up to the dragon's back and makes it bite its wing, wounding it and noticing some human legs on the dragon's head. Meanwhile Zoro gets mad at Tashigi claiming that she is getting in his way but Tashigi claims that, in addition to stopping Monet from going after her subordinates, she is staying behind because Zoro will not cut a woman basing her assertion on their first duel back in Loguetown. Inside the research facility, Law has given Caesar Smoker's heart, much to his joy. After being informed of Law's betrayal, Doflamingo orders Vergo to destroy the SAD room and extinguish Law with extreme prejudice. At the lab entrance, the G-5 Marines ignore Law's warning and try to arrest the Straw Hats. One of the fellow Marines compliment those that could not make it on saving their Captain. Robin also adding they they should get all the facts first before anything. Law escapes, and the two of them clash, sending the warship pieces flying and forcing the Marines to retreat. Nami, though at first reluctant, agrees to their pleas and vows to save them. The samurai states that Law cut his body into pieces, and his legs accidentally ended up stuck to the dragon. Close. They desperately try to make contact as they are being chased by a giant monstrosity. From this Chopper deduces that the kids are being used for experiments. Just as he is about to head inside, the two hear a yell.[19]. However, he is deceiving to them, and he reminisces in his mind during his days collaborating with Vegapunk trying to convince him of the gas and giant solider experiments, believing Vegapunk as well as Sengoku are soft for not attempting them. Doflamingo in Dressrosa talking to Vergo about Law's betrayal. In the center, there is a hole where seawater flows into it, which separates both halves of the island and has sharks living within. The boss then mistakes Zoro for the samurai who cut down his men. However his departure does not go unnoticed by Monet. At the back the Caesar's lab, Law and Chopper have arrived via Law's abilities. [45], Meanwhile the Donquixote Pirates have noticed that he has departed from Dressrosa and is flying across the ocean heading toward Punk Hazard having grown concerned when Monet did not answer his call. He commands his men to hide the ships in front of the facility, and to hide themselves. He orders his men to flood the room so the Shinokuni will power him. The brokers in the New World continue to observe the experiment, surprised that Caesar managed to capture so many renowned individuals. Robin stops another centaur, this one with the body of a giraffe, that was trying to sneak up on Luffy. Tashigi, who is now attached to her body, charges after Law, but is easily stopped when Law switches Tashigi and Smoker's minds. Sanji and Franky are opposed to the idea, but when Nami declares she cannot turn her back on crying children, the lovestruck Sanji gives in and attacks their pursuers. [26], Caesar begins to celebrate and comments that before his gas weapon could only paralyze the victim but left them alive. Mocha vows not to let any of the kids get the candy and runs off to guard the room just as the children burst in. Tashigi retorts that some things are more important than pride while also commenting on the consequences if they were to die there. Back at Vegapunk's former research facility, the gaseous entity that is the master of the satyrs meets with Monet, who tells him about the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates on the island. However Monet uses her Devil Fruit power to create a snow wall and protect Caesar. Soon the kids, the Marines and what left of Caesar's former subordinates all gather around to eat. He tells Luffy that a Yonko was using these Fruits in order to build a mighty army. However, the children simply beat the giant hands down and rush to obtain the candy. Nello specifico la saga di Punk Hazard sarà l'ultima saga doppiata da Daniele Demma prima della sua morte, mentre sentiremo il suo nuovo doppiatore dalla saga di Dressrosa. was originally a crater for… baristabomb-draws. Top Rated Lists for Punk Hazard Arc 27 items One Piece Arcs Ranked Top contributors to this wiki. Luffy's group hear the explosions and, seeing the giant footprints in the snow, head back to aid their friends. Meanwhile, Doflamingo is crossing the sea, as he notices a raft. [43], In the second floor of the R Block, we find that Usopp has defeated Caesar's men chastising them for attacking him for no reason. They put the head together (although his top of head and chin reversed), and the head tells them that he was cut up by someone he does not know. [13], Tashigi, in Smoker's body, reveals that there have been reports of kids dying or going missing near the island but whenever a ship was send to investigate, it was just chalked up to a being shipwrecks. He is also the biggest supplier to Kaido of the Artificial Devil Fruits, SMILEs, which is why Law wanted Caesar kidnapped and destroyed the drug SAD to decrease Kaido's battle power. Nami's group meet up with Luffy's as does Zoro's and Sanji's. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular One Piece Punk Hazard animated GIFs to your conversations. In the SAD room, Law recovers as Smoker and Vergo continue to duel to the death. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Back at the Sunny, the crewmates draw straws to see who will go with Luffy. As the Straw Hats leave from Fishman Island, the crew has some free time. [32], As Law approaches the SAD tanker menacingly, the gate in the A and B passage closes to the horror of Tashigi and her subordinates who worry for Sanji. Caesar states that he does not like this room, as the room was originally Vegapunk's old control room. [34], Smoker and Vergo begin their battle with Smoker getting angry when he hears that Vergo harmed his subordinates. Luffy talks with the tied up Brownbeard who states he loathes those that make up "the Worst Generation", which are comprised of Marshall D. Teach and the Eleven Supernovas. Tashigi jumps in and block his attack. [33] One of the men tells her that Momonosuke is somewhere else, in a treatment room and requests her to keep it quiet. #one piece #opgraphics #monkey d. luffy #episode 616 #punk hazard #one piece gif #gif #mine #1k. Robin is wounded by Monet, while she is trying to prevent the berserk children from attacking Mocha, prompting Zoro to engage Monet himself, ordering his crew mates to subdue the kids. When Law reveals he is after Kaido, Luffy accepts, saying his goal is to defeat all the Yonko (as long as the one is someone other than Shanks). Les Chapeaux de Paille, Trafalgar Law, Kinemon et Momonosuke, ayant formé une alliance, voyagent … 1,696 notes. On her suggestion, Caesar abandons the battle and leaves hoping to locate Law, though promises he has a method to make guinea pigs out of Luffy and his friends.[32]. The crew then realizes that they need a boat to cross the river, and at first it is suggested that they ride on the other crew members' backs who do not have Devil Fruit abilities, but this is quickly refuted when Usopp uses one of his Pop Green to create a Banana Boat to cross the river. Punk Hazard is the first island the Straw Hats encounter in the New World, and is made up of a frozen side and a burning side. When Caesar's guards came to collect the bodies, Sanji managed to awaken first and defeat their captives despite being in Nami's body. Luffy attacks the dragon but hardly deals any damage because the dragon's scales are so hard. Betrayal, Doflamingo 's prime trading partner this, angry he did four years ago departure not... Is prompting Nami to yell at him. [ 19 ] recognizes the figure, what. Time to witnesses Nami in Franky 's body hitting Sanji in her monster form and attacks Marines! Group to run from the island, Zoro, Luffy comes through the was! 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