Removing Christ From Christmas What Are The Consequences? But Israel did not (Matthew 23:37,38). Old & New Testament Saints Is There a Difference? Once they have blinded you and you make more erroneous choices, you create the, This drives them further into indulgence. The group of locusts is usually called a swarm. If we look up these four words; Palmerworm Locust Cankerworm Caterpillar Change). Up or down doesnt count; if we go beneath or above the earth, we must then travel in one of four directions. However, locusts only have three stages to their lifecycle, not four. Thus, the Lord took the initiative to deliver them; not just from bondage to Pharaoh, but from spiritual slavery to false gods. Persia: God caused this nation to rise in power in order to end Israels exile in Babylon, by crushing the once mighty Babylonian empire. / A Decisive Answer (PartII), The Shroud of Turin Real or Fake? In fact, the actions of the four locusts strikingly represent the characteristics of the four world kingdoms. The multitudes will be judged on a day when the sun and moon are darkened (v. 15). How does God restore the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25)? Joel and the Locust Invasion | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at The Lord is not presently speaking in such a way as to tell us the reasons for every disaster; thus, we cannot with certainty identify any natural disaster toda Also, God took this opportunity to demonstrate to mighty Babylon that he was the one and only powerful God of the universe, through up close and personal encounters with King Nebuchadnezzar. Only those who invoke the name of the Lord shall escape (v. 5). THE LOCUST. . In general, two interpretation have been held regarding the plague of locusts in Joel 1: (1) The literal view, which states that Joel is describing a mainly distressing scourge of locusts, and that the prophet makes this disaster the time of a call to repentance; the deliverance from the natural plague is then made an event for speech on the future day of the Lord, when Gods people will be saved from all their foes. People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from border to border searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it (Amos 8:11-12). Though there had been made the suggestion that stages were indicated, it had been rejected on the ground that the locust had only three stages: the hopping, the crawling, and . The prophet Joel wrote about four types of locusts that caused destruction to the agriculture of Israel. Consumer eats. (Part II), One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Messianic Jews Part I, One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Messianic Jews Part II. Perhaps you grew up with many blessings, but in your heart you wanted to rebel. Which had also been promised by the Jewish prophets long before. To be sure, there are other Gentile nations prophetically referenced directly or indirectly in Scripture, such as Russia, Iran, and Turkey in the Gog/Magog attack on Israel. Greece: Alexander the Greats amazing four-year campaign that conquered much of the civilized and uncivilized world was accomplished in blitzkrieg fashion, i.e. What is the valley of decision (Joel 3:14)? Joel 1:4 says, "What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten. (Part I), Separation of Church and State For or Against? (1Co_5:6; Pro_9:6, Pro_13:20; 2Ti_2:16-18; Heb_12:15; 2Pe_2:2, 2Pe_2:18-20). See, the locust knows the strength that lies in, Whilst you are drawn that way, he works to get more of his hordes to swarm and lay eggs on your conscience. The Right of Return For Palestinians or Jews? The Book of Joel is the second work in the collection of the Minor Prophets known as Trei Asar, or The Twelve, and is ascribed in the superscription to Joel son of Petuel. Remember December (Kislev) A Hidden Gem of Prophecy! One Old Testament book, Joel, is written in the context of a recent locust plague. In all my readings of the book of Joel, I couldnt figure out why the Lord would tell Joel to write about four different types of locusts to describe what every other Bible passage that refers to locusts does so as just a one-time (whole) swarm of locusts. Your email address will not be published. In other Bible translations youll find different adjectives to describe each kind of locust, but they all are very similar. He said, What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; and what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten (Joel 1:4). After them came the hopping locusts, and then the stripping locusts, too!(Joel 1:1-4). It is not because you are so good or have such integrity that you are about to occupy their land (Deuteronomy 9:4-5). But overall, this captivity invoked times of great hardship and misery and sporadic episodes of hostility such as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace. How did the tradition of having lamb at Easter start and why. In Hebrew there are nine different names for locusts. Rains will come; the threshing floors will fill to overflowing (2:2324.). Israels Government in Limbo Unprecedented! BOOK OF JOEL KEY VERSES: 1:4: What the locust swarm has left the great locusts have eaten; what the great locusts have left the young locusts have eaten; what the young locusts have left other locusts have eaten. They would send wave after wave of soldiers that would swarm over their enemies. Judea/Samaria & Gaza Strip / Who Has Sovereignty? (as the first and third in the list) and concluding with Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi from the late sixth to early fifth centuries B.C.E. They operate by using dexterity of words and appeal to the base nature (the flesh). Some contextual readers believe that the four different names of the locust has a special meaning, but it is generally thought otherwise. Your email address will not be published. Instead they swarmed over the empire of Babylon; thereby, enveloping all of the Jews held captive in those lands. One of them was the plague of locusts. Its leaves tend to change according to the different growth stages. Moreover, the latter prophet even presents us with a similar apocalyptic battle against the nations, portrayed through images of deadly terror and dark horror. Four major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Stunning Catastrophes of the Tribulation / Their Timing & Purpose. The nations of Egypt and Edom will become a desolate waste; but as for Israel, the Lord Himself will be their shelter. They are false prophets whose tongues are laced with poison that continually draws the children of light astray. Hanukkah & Christmas / Do They Have Anything in Common? Satan in Bodily Form When & Why (Part I), Satan in Bodily Form When & Why (Part II). The dramatic and traumatic magnitude of this locust onslaught strongly indicates that the locusts are much more than just insects that may have ravaged the land in a one-time plague. The devastation of the locusts swarm was extensive. complete answer on, View God disciplines His people, but He also defends them. ardbu, "to destroy." As such, threats to the nation's crops were one of the main concerns of its citizens. complete answer However, Gods covenant with Israel through Moses was conditional; obedience to and exclusive worship of God was necessary for the Jews to remain in the Promised Landuntil Gods final plan for all mankind was fulfilled. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Not seven, as the seven kings of Revelation 17 are just that kings, not kingdoms. / A Decisive Answer, The Shroud of Turin Real or Fake? Answer (1 of 5): The symbolic locusts of Revelation represent the spreading of the good news by God's people. Joel commences with the mention of the plague of locusts. () Because locusts are so well known, verse 1:4 is indeed more dynamic in these languages than in English, and probably reflects the poetic nature of the original which English may not., Lingala for instance uses the different species hamhinzo, makonko, makololo, makelele for the different locusts. They forgot about and abandoned the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is because one of the great prophecies the Apostle Peter cites on the Day of Pentecost is found in the last part of . Only four types of locust viz., Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria), Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) Bombay Locust (Nomadacris succincta) and Tree locust (Anacridium sp.) The invasion is first described in Joel 1:2-12. What the swarming locust l. Login or Sign Up to view the rest of this answer. Beware the locusts that swarm in these evil end of days and stand firm in Christ alone! Joel 1-2:27 The Locusts Attack. Messiah Jesus came to earth. Messiahs Ascension & Coronation Seen Long Before It Happened! However, this time there would be no physical rescue, either natural or supernatural, of the Jews from their captors. About UsContact UsPrayer RequestsPrivacy Policy, Latest AnswersBible LessonsBibleAsk LIVEOnline Bible. 5 Incredible Locust Facts! Joel vividly portrays the dependence of human life upon God's favor. Not hardly. The plague of the. Several numbers in the Bible bear a great deal of meaning. Daniels 70 Prophetic Weeks & The Number Seventy! And now you see, that Isaiah's little reference to the grasshopper is not little at all. These insects are some of the oldest bugs, being relatively unchanged since the Triassic era. One, Two, Or Could There Be Three? This is done by planting seeds of corruption into your conscience through the medium of what we see and what we hear. They are completely taken over by these locusts (demons) and thereby all their deeds are evil continually with no regret or remorse at all. All food resources were destroyed except for flesh foods. . Consequently, the severe attack of the locusts does not include or involve Assyria as the instrument nation God used to punish the ten northern tribes. Such as, in all your history, has anything like this happened before?. complete answer on, View Once you are besieged by the crawlers, they lay eggs into your conscience which gives rise to the chewing locusts who consume you from within! Read more about Locust Swarms, Desert Locusts that have impacted Indian states; in this article. Armageddon & Messiahs Return An Amazing Sequence of Events. Rest assured, the story didnt end there. Will the sun really be turned to darkness and the moon to blood (Joel 2:31). Yes, there are four seasons, four primary lunar phases, and four sides to what is probably the most perfect geometric object we can think of a square. Given that each locust can consume its own body weight in plants each day, a swarm of this size would eat a jaw-dropping 423 million pounds of plants every day. Joel 1:4 shows the thoroughness of God's discipline and judgment with the four kinds of locust. At the end of the plague nothing remained in the land, the future was bleak and the inhabitants were left with no help but God. If we want to move from one place to another, we must go forward, backward, left or right. Although I dont believe we absolutely need to know the Hebrew amplified meaning of each type of locust, the meanings do help us understand how each of the four Gentile kingdoms dealt with Israel. Las Vegas Massacre A Broader Perspective, Light of The World (Sequel To: The Incomparable Power & Authority of Jesus Christ), Major Earthquake in Israel When & Where It Will Strike. What is the lifespan of someone with dementia? In Europe the term locust denotes large acridids, whereas smaller species are called grasshoppers. Swarming locust: It means just that, swarming. Or covering densely. The angels for the fourth trumpet and the fourth bowl judgements change the physical laws of heavenly bodies, including the sunall part of the fourth day of creation (Revelation 8:12 & Revelation 16:8). What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten" (ESV). Key Notes: Assyrians are like locusts. Therefore, the prophet Joel called all the people to fast and pray (Joel 1:14) to avoid further judgements. And what the first part presents as an event affecting Israel alone becomes in the second part a decision of judgment against the nations. *Note: If you want to see some amazing details of this prophecy, please read the Eye of Prophecy articles entitled, Seven Times Seven (to the 4th power), Parts I, II, & III. The only conscience they have is one of not getting caught so they thrive in darkness and perpetuate evil, cheering those that practice evil and detesting the children of the light. The background that prompted Joel to write about locusts was about a real situation that involved a whole nation of people. The wrong choices and actions drive us further toward deprivation and the stench of our deeds is a magnet for more locusts to come over hence the swarming that ensues! There were four rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden. These nations were identified through a spectacular vision that the prophet Daniel experienced when he was well into his 60's. Recently, there have been multiple new reports about locust attacks in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. As follows: Babylon: It was the first kingdom to conquer the remaining tribes of Israel. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten I will compensate you, or make you amends, for what the locusts have eaten in the foregoing years, by an extraordinary plenty of the fruits of the earth. Four different types of locusts, entered the land of Judah successively and feasted on the land. Russias Shocking Invasion of Ukraine A Preview of Gog/Magogs Attack on Israel? Although Alexander, himself, was mostly kind to and considerate of the Jews, his successors were not. / A DecisiveAnswer. ( Joel 1:4, 6, 7) In John's vision, the locusts are "told not to harm the vegetation of the earth.". The Four Gentile Kingdoms Now let's examine the four kingdoms that God specifically utilized to accomplish a good part of his plan for Israel and for all peoples. U.S. President Agrees with God Jerusalem Is Israels Capital! complete answer on, View These nations were identified through a spectacular vision that the prophet Daniel experienced when he was well into his 60s. The imagery of fire, flood, and locusts are used in Scripture to represent great armies of nations pouring through the peoples they defeated. The first three beasts were personified by an animal, with each animal the (historical) symbol of that nation. Once again there were good times and bad times for the Jews under Persian domination. Most of us know this incredible account in Scripture. 9:4) The locusts Joel saw came from the north. Did you know that God announced this period of silence with Israel ahead of time? What should I do with my retirement money after retirement? Fountain of Youth & Fountain of Life Is There a Difference? What the resident locusts left, the young crawling locusts ate; Answer A locust swarm has the potential to devastate all vegetation in its path and can cause economic disaster in a region. The occurrence of Joel between Hosea and Amos puts this prophet earlier than any scholarly reckoning (see below), and many have suggested that his place in the sequence may be due to verbal and thematic considerations. Amazing love how can it be, that you my God should die for me.. Joel calls the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem to lament and return to the Lord during a time of national disaster. (Part II). National tragedy, cause and effect. Instead of bringing you pleasure, rebellion brought you pain. Solitary adults take on green and brown tones. . By Gods miraculous intervention through the Maccabees, Israel was rescued from what would have been even more massive destruction and death at the hands of this evil ruler, one who is identified as the prototype of Antichrist in Daniel Chapter 11. Joel mentions Phoenicia (3:4), Judah . The prophet Joel wrote about four types of locusts that caused destruction to the agriculture of Israel. Its of vital importance to understand that when it comes to salvation for all peoples, as specifically purchased by Gods Son, Christ Jesus, as well as selecting Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants (the chosen people) specifically through King David to bring us Messiah, it is God who took the initiative. 4.). Globalism or Populism Which Will Antichrist Prefer? Here again we see the number four, multiplied to the sum of four hundred (years). So well wrap this weeks article up with a hidden gem of prophecy that is a short, veiled counterpart to Daniels vision of the four beasts. Why did God use a locust swarm to punish Israel (Joel 1:4)? We are told, "What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; and what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten" (Joel 1:4). This in turn gets us into wrong choices and actions. (Hindi). In our day, in this generation, the Abrahamic Covenant is finally being fulfilled, by the commencement and ongoing return of Jews to Israel from nations the world over. Moses had warned Israel of the consequences of disobedience saying: You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule . Alright, I agree not the best takeoff of the Wizard of Oz. The book of Joel mentions four types of locusts that would destroy the agriculture of Israel. Will Believers Go Through the Great Tribulation? Its a poetic way to highlight the number four, but also to suggest that there are even more than four things that amaze or whatever. Now lets examine the four kingdoms that God specifically utilized to accomplish a good part of his plan for Israel and for all peoples. Swarms are nearly impossible to wipe out once they begin. I do this in my personal time of Bible study with the Lord. Required fields are marked *. But what about the locusts? Four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds (Revelation 7:1). It is close at hand a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness. Each day has four component parts: Seconds, minutes, hours, and day. Download Locust Swarms notes PDF for UPSC 2023. Most commentators accept that this refers to locusts in four different stages of development. He was the express image of God, the Father. It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled their remains beneath its feet. / A Decisive Answer (Part II). Most concur that it speaks of four different waves of locusts, gnawing, swarming, creeping, and stripping, as they consumed the land. And a really bad time: So much so, that were it not for Gods direct intervention through Queen Esther, the Persian Kings edict falsely procured by the lies of the wicked official Haman would have resulted in genocide of the Jewish people. 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