Evidence collection for trafficking investigations remained a significant problem, the report said. The international monitor-verified use of children in labor and support roles by certain military battalions increased in conflict zones, predominantly in Rakhine and Kachin States. Further, judicial officials postponed prosecutions and court proceedings due to delays in investigations, efforts to maintain safe social distancing regulations, and focus on competing priorities. Honduras Antigua and Barbuda Finally, the TVPA limits a country to one year on Tier 2 Watch List after that country received a waiver to stay on the Watch List and was subsequently downgraded to Tier 3. See PDF version.]. Despite this, the successes, the failures, and even the unknown results of the anti-trafficking response to COVID-19 allowed for new insights and solutions to pave a better path forward. The DHS Blue Campaign Visit disclaimer page works in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental, and private organizations and strives to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice.. DHS plays a major role in identifying foreign national victims of trafficking. As part of this effort, the United States government will continue working to encourage the GOI to monitor progress and take additional actions to prevent the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers, and to identify, demobilize, rehabilitate, and reintegrate children serving in militias associated with the PMF. The government also began transferring many thousands of camp detainees elsewhere in Xinjiang and to other provinces throughout the country under the guise of a poverty alleviation program in which companies and local governments received subsidies for forcing them to labor in manufacturing. Guinea-Bissau Algeria In Nigeria, IOM and the Nigerian government supported the repatriation of more than 7,000 trafficking survivors in both 2018 and 2019 but were only able to repatriate 620 individuals from January to July 2020. Consistent with the TVPA, the President may also determine to instruct the U.S. Executive Director of each multilateral development bank and the International Monetary Fund to vote against and use their best efforts to deny any loans or other uses of the institutions funds to a designated Tier 3 country for most purposes (except for humanitarian, trade-related, and certain development-related assistance). Successful counter-measures often require anti-trafficking actors to build upon existing crisis frameworks and promising practices to include anti-trafficking responses that are trauma-informed and victim-centered. Advocates and service providers must take all reports of human trafficking seriously, which means that increased reports based on false information make it more difficult for responders to provide support to victims of human trafficking. During the three months of Spains lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, under Moras leadership, APRAMP quickly redirected its efforts toward the detection of new spaces where commercial sex was happening. International organizations conducted and produced most of the initial comprehensive assessments of the impact of COVID-19 on anti-trafficking efforts and highlighted areas in which to adapt policy approaches and target resources. Australia While the Russian government reported the number of North Korean workers in Russia declined in 2020, the government issued almost 3,000 new tourist and student visas to North Koreans in 2020 in an apparent attempt to circumvent the UNSCRs. A US Embassy spokesperson said this on Tuesday . We should also consider the lessons learned over the course of this global health crisis. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, governments faced the predicament of shifting priorities to focus on growing health and economic concerns, which drew attention and resources away from anti-trafficking efforts. A survey by the Office of Security and Co-operation in Europes OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and UN Women highlights that almost 70 percent of trafficking survivors from 35 countries reported that their financial well-being was heavily impacted by COVID-19, and more than two-thirds attributed a decline in their mental health to government-imposed lockdowns triggering memories of exploitative situations. As of April 5, PKO funding was obligated for the Somali National Army and Somali Ministry of Defense for the following activities: logistical support; stipends; advisory support; training; equipment; and program oversight. The chattel slavery system relied on the separation of family units during auctions and trading of enslaved people. In addition, legal experts state that taking a financial crimes approach to human trafficking is highly effective in generating financial evidence that allows law enforcement to differentiate the traffickers from their victims, document the traffickers motives and knowledge, corroborate victim testimony, and assist in identifying affiliates. In response to emerging challenges, governments and civil society organizations conducted in-depth research assessments on the impacts of COVID-19, leveraged technology as a method to address emerging trends, adapted policy approaches, and sought to expand protections for victims. These measures will go a long way to preventing labor abuse and exploitation, especially forced labor. Curaao Former national security minister Gary Griffith has defended the efforts of the former People's Partnership administration to address human trafficking when he was a member of the cabinet, accusing the Prime Minister of a "blame game" over a 2022 US report that alleged that senior government officials are involved in human trafficking. These can include serious harm, psychosocial harm, reputational harm, threats to others, and debt manipulation. Kendra L. Kreider Pursuant to section 404 of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (CSPA) (22 U.S.C. 2020 - 2021 Trinidad and Tobago Newsday. Uruguay In September 2017, the Borno State government witnessed the signature of, and provided administrative support to help implement, an action plan between the CJTF and the UN to end the CJTFs recruitment and use of children. Reimi Pieters In a Facebook post on Sunday, Dr Rowley, opened with the word, "pathetic", before noting Persad-Bissessar had not After reasonable requests from the Department of State for data regarding investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences, a government which does not provide such data, consistent with a demonstrably increasing capacity of such government to obtain such data, shall be presumed not to have vigorously investigated, prosecuted, convicted or sentenced such acts. There is no limit on the location or type of industry. Service providers should examine how they can more meaningfully engage and collaborate with historically underserved populations to achieve inclusive and culturally responsive service delivery. Guedet Mandzela |Gabon, Stopping Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by International Peacekeepers and Civilian Personnel, International, Regional, and Sub-Regional Organizations Combating Trafficking In Persons, Annual Report on the Use of Child Soldiers, Sections 405(c) and (d) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) of 2008 (22 U.S.C. Traffickers Quickly Adapt and Exploit COVID-19-related Risks. In Haiti, Niger, and Mali, gangs operating in IDP camps took advantage of reduced security and limited protection to force residents at the camp to perform commercial sex acts. It said that authorities continued investigating two dozen police officers alleged to be involved in human trafficking, but none of these investigations moved to prosecution. Cuba Sex trafficking encompasses the range of activities involved when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to compel another person to engage in a commercial sex act or causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act. Page 46: Getty/Greg Baker This is seen, for example, in the overrepresentation of human trafficking victims among Black populations in some parts of South America, the lack of protections afforded to migrant workers in the Gulf that creates a dependence on others that traffickers can exploit, and the intentional targeting of Roma communities through law enforcement anti-trafficking operations in Eastern Europe. In 2020, the Government of Canada launched Project PROTECT to increase awareness of sex trafficking, as well as the quantity and quality of suspicious transaction reporting. Some countries automatically extended temporary and transitory visas for migrant workers, while others suspended fines for unauthorized stays or extended medical coverage to anyone awaiting a decision on their immigration status. Technology also can play a critical role in combating these crimes, increase law enforcements ability to identify victims and perpetrators, and help deliver financial assistance and other victim support services to victims as they work to rebuild their lives. Whether the government of the country cooperates with other governments in the investigation and prosecution of severe forms of trafficking in persons and has entered into bilateral, multilateral, or regional law enforcement cooperation and coordination arrangements with other countries. The project is expected to go on for 24 months. In this position, Cabrera plays a pivotal role in advancing the offices ability to investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases. Allocating resources to debunk myths and misinformation about human trafficking takes time away from critical services including responding to survivors seeking help. Supporting the Reintegration of Trafficked Persons: A Guidebook for the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: https://cbss.org/our-work/safe-secure-region/anti-trafficking/, Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings Strategic Plan 2020-2025, Human Trafficking 2020 Baltic Sea Round-up Report, Guidelines for journalists reporting on cases of human trafficking: Media and Trafficking in Human Beings (2019), Task Force Against Trafficking in Human Beings, http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/trafficking/, Reports: https://www.coe.int/en/web/anti-human-trafficking/general-reports, 9th General Report on GRETAs Activities (2019), https://www.coe.int/en/web/anti-human-trafficking/general-reports, Guidance Note on the entitlement of victims of trafficking, and persons at risk of being trafficked, to international protection, Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), ECOWAS Declaration on the Fight against Trafficking in Persons (2001), Joint ECOWAS/ECCAS Regional Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (2006-2008), http://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/index.action, Third report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings (2020) as required under Article 20 of Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, https://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/content/images/Human-Trafficking-2018.pdf, Arab Initiative to Combat Trafficking in Persons, 2010, Comprehensive Arab Strategy for Combating, Trafficking in Human Beings (CASCTHB), Council of Arab Ministers of Justice Resolution 15/2/2012, http://www.oas.org/dsp/english/cpo_trata_dia_mundial.asp, Second Work Plan against Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemi-sphere 2015-2018 (extended to 2020), Hemispheric Efforts against Trafficking in Persons Declaration of Mexico (2018), Advancing Hemispheric Security: A Multidimensional Approach (AG/RES. Cote DIvoire In 2015, the U.S. The traffickers coercive scheme is what matters, not a victims prior consent or ability to meaningfully consent thereafter. The Embassy will press the Nigerian government to improve the education of its armed forces on the laws and policy against the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers and to pay particular attention to remote outposts where such incidents are more likely to occur. 333 and has certified that the government of Yemen is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. J. Brett Hernandez TT, along with countries in regions around the globe, gets a data-call request from the embassy every November. Mohammed al-Obaidly is one of the most important Qatari figures advocating for labor and human trafficking reforms in Qatar. United States of America, Albania Families may require children to find work due to lost income, government and NGO protection services may be reduced, and children might not be attending school where they have access to trusted adults. Security assistance subject to the CSPA restriction that is currently provided to Nigeria includes IMET, Foreign Military Financing (FMF), PKO, Excess Defense Articles (EDA) and Department of Defense support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Further, a waiver for support provided by the Department of Defense pursuant to 10 U.S.C. The inequities created by systemic racism have survived in part because of the intentional destruction of certain racial groups social support networks. The Human Trafficking Foundation started a Google group, and the Freedom Collaborative initiated a COVID-19 Response Facebook group. The Government of Cameroon also acknowledges that recruitment and use of child soldiers by armed Anglophone separatists and Boko Haram is a problem. Survivors have known that the justice system is flawed: just ask the victims arrested and prosecuted for their traffickers crimes., Fainess Lipenga, Child-friendly spaces are an essential component to holistic victim-centered and trauma-informed care for child survivors of human trafficking. The author has a range of expertise related to human trafficking, marginalized communities, trauma recovery, education, mental health care, and survivor leadership. Burma Cuba In addition, PKO and IMET funding has supported areas such as military justice, civil-military relations, human rights training, IHL training, English language training, military engineering, and resource management and logistics, which not only enhances security provision, but also helps make the FARDC a more transparent, accountable institution. In these cases, the trafficker may begin grooming the victim at an early age, using their close proximity to take advantage of the childs developmental stage and inability to verbally express concerns or safety issues. As such, vicarious trauma and the mental health needs of all consultants and staff members should also be prioritized, as opposed to singling out survivor leaders as the only individuals affected by trafficking or other sources of trauma. As the DRCs principal partner in ending its devastating almost 2-year Ebola outbreak in the East and a major contributor to humanitarian assistance overall, the United States can leverage existing relationships to multiply and synergize the impact of PKO assistance. James Taylor Patrice Roberts brings Caribbean vibe at NBA game. With proper training and guidance, financial institutions and designated non-financial businesses are able to identify illicit finance related to human trafficking and report potential cases. Over three years, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is building capacity to improve victim identification and national referral mechanisms, sharing information with judicial authorities about criminal networks and individuals associated with human trafficking, and strengthening international co-ordination and co-operation by promoting new investigations and prosecutions through establishing liaisons between national co-ordination mechanisms and judicial authorities focused on human trafficking, the spokesman said. 1107 Addendum to the OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, Decision No. For foreign national trafficking victims, closed borders meant repatriation remained a key challenge, resulting in service providers supporting victims for longer periods with dwindling resources. Create protocols for what all staff should do if they feel exploited by the organization or individuals within the organization. Governments, donors, and civil society organizations faced practical and ethical dilemmas reconciling pandemic mitigation strategies with the implementation of anti-trafficking activities. Uganda As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. As of April 5, no PKO funds have been obligated in FY 2021. International Military Education and Training $154,921 Page 61: Picture Alliance The Department of Defense intends to use its authority under 10 U.S.C. Nigeria may receive EDA for maritime security improvements in the form of former U.S. Coast Guard vessels, which have been used to improve maritime navigation and counter-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Guinea and Niger Delta. They also may not have the physical and mental development to identify coercive tactics being used by an individual they have bonded with, trust, and love. These delays decreased victims access to justice and legal assistance, which hampered victims emotional well-being, recovery, and repatriation, while allowing traffickers to continue their criminal activities and intimidate victims from pressing charges. The Embassy will continue to collaborate with UNICEF and other NGOs and encourage the government to view them as a resource in the joint effort to eliminate the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers. 1107, 6 December (2013). Business owners and landlords pressured individuals to take out loans in exchange for cheap labor or commercial sexual exploitation. Drawing on lessons learned from the pandemic response thus far, there are four main considerations that aim to mitigate impacts of crises and guide the path forward for the anti-trafficking community: Addressing human trafficking during a global pandemic requires the full range of actors in the anti-trafficking community to bridge the gap and establish a comprehensive coordinated response. The means element of forced labor includes a traffickers use of force, fraud, or coercion. As a result, APRAMP was able to remain active in reporting on sex trafficking trends, thus providing strategic information to other relevant stakeholders. John Cotton Richmond From 2000 to 2020, SIFOS helped identify 578 child trafficking victims and reintegrate 9,039 children into local society. Excess Defense Articles (EDA) $3,821,000 In cases where an individual engages in any of the specified acts with a child (under the age of 18), the means element is irrelevant regardless of whether evidence of force, fraud, or coercion exists. Section 4. The justification for this determination and certification with respect to each country is set forth in this Memorandum. One of the three projects, the USAID Heal-Empower-Rise Counter Trafficking in Person Project, cost US$950,000. The assertion came days after government and opposition politicians pointed fingers at each other over a 2022 Trafficking in Persons report issued by the US which suggested government officials were complicit. For instance, advocates, survivors, and other experts have found that ingrained racial biases and stereotypes, which were created as a way to dehumanize certain racial communities to justify their exploitation and exclusion, hinder progress in anti-trafficking efforts because they lead to racially disparate assumptions about who is a trafficker and who should have access to victim protection and services. Under such a deluge, someone with information about a case or who may be a victim in real crisis will face longer service wait times and may miss their momentary chance to connect to a service provider. He is the Co-President of the Lawyers Network for Technical Intern Trainees, the President of the Lawyers Network for Foreign Workers, and a prominent legal expert in foreign labor issues. To be truly effective, a comprehensive approach to prosecution, protection, andmost of allprevention must embed racial justice and equity across its policies and programs. While technology allowed the anti-trafficking community to navigate more easily the myriad challenges caused by the pandemic, its expanded use highlighted the importance of ensuring victims access to technology and online services, as well as their safety and privacy when using technology to receive victim assistance. Somalia In addition, some service providers offered telephone and online counseling and legal aid sessions, including filing temporary protection orders by email and providing legal representation via online platforms. Taiwan United Kingdom Similarly, the Australian Border Force issued an information sheet on modern slavery and COVID-19 that provided guidance on how to reduce the risk of workers becoming more vulnerable to human traffickers as a result of the pandemic. Kazakhstan Syrian detainee: Does Trinidad and Tobago Government hate us? Bhutan Another manifestation of human trafficking occurs when a governmental armed group (including police or other security forces), paramilitary organization, rebel group, or other non-state armed group unlawfully recruits or uses childrenthrough force, fraud, or coercionas combatants or in support roles. Traffickers target some individuals with an initial debt assumed willingly as a condition of future employment, while in certain countries traffickers tell individuals they inherited the debt from relatives. This content often becomes viral on mainstream social media platforms, taking advantage of well-intentioned members of the public, including those who want to take action to make a difference. Although the government took steps to repatriate North Korean workers in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs), citizens from the DPRK continued to arrive throughout the year, many of whom likely engaged in informal labor. Many former child soldiers suffer from panic attacks due to trauma. The following recommendations may be applicable for organizations at multiple stages of integration. Heather Fisher After arriving in the United States, Vicente and several other Chilean students learned their program had been changed from a two-year program to a one-year program in food services. This included individuals confined to their homes or workplaces, households in dire need of financial support, and workers in the informal sector. The 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report includes the following 11 governments with a documented "policy or pattern" of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers: The pandemic also stymied investigators progress as victim-witnesses were occasionally quarantined by the Ministry of Health. The kafala systems rules and limitations enable abusive employers to use unscrupulous employment practices that can constitute forced labor; including excessive work hours; retention of passports and travel documents by the employer; non-payment of wages; and physical, psychological, and sexual abuse or threats of abuse. We need to be told this isnt normal and that we are experiencing victimization. Victims and survivors faced obstacles accessing assistance and support as lockdowns, social distancing protocols, and a lack of resources caused service providers to close shelters and reduce services. 333. As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. They told her she could not go see her father, and that she must participate in 15 days of education because she was Muslim and an ethnic Kazakh. This reporting and information sharing can be highly useful in tracking and tracing proceeds related to human trafficking. Addressing familial trafficking requires an interdisciplinary approach to ensure recovery of mental and physical health, trauma-informed investigation and prosecutorial efforts, survivor-led and -centered practices and interventions, and larger societal education and awareness. Every year adults and, to a lesser extent, children migrate voluntarily to countries in the Middle East to work in a variety of sectors, such as agriculture, construction, and domestic service. PKO-funded assistance to Nigeria includes AGI advisory support to increase Nigerian Air Force effectiveness and reduce civilian harm; advisory support for Nigerian military intelligence institutions; development of a Fast-Rope Insertion and Extraction System; and Civil-Military Operations training. The following year, a country must either go up to Tier 2 or down to Tier 3. Anti-trafficking actors from all sectors should develop concrete risk mitigation and management plans to effectively respond to a variety of crises, including natural disasters, conflict scenarios, health crises, or a combination of emergencies that could exacerbate vulnerabilities to trafficking and the experiences of victims. This includes conducting awareness raising campaigns when stay-at-home orders remain in place, providing services to identified victims when there are no safe spaces available, and intervening in stalled public justice systems to ensure minimal disruption and deter traffickers from expanding their activities. * Islands in the Caribbean Seaalthough part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaao, and Sint Maarten are covered by the Departments Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. 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