Justin states that isn't the case and Jeffrey threatens to expose this secret causing Justin to be silent. Jim then comes to wyatt and they have a discussion about life to which jim says that life is "a bitch" and tells wyatt what happend is not his fault and that he can't change what happend due no matter how much it affects him and leaves his son alone. It seems like a fitting end for the man who seemingly could just not be killed. Wyatt appears to be very close to his sister early in season 1 as they were able to share secrets with one another and seemed to possess an ordinary sibling relationship before their respecive experiences towards the finale. The Haves and The Have Nots Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Later Jim arranges for Norman Hewens (the man he hired to take the for Wyatt) to see them as the latter expresses his time in prison and tell him it has been a nightmare as people have been trying to kill him due to the nature of the crime. Jeffery refuses letting Melissa know that everything that people are telling her about him being gay is true. Quincy then reveals Jeffrey's mother told him Candace was at the apartment and to beat up the latter. Then she could sue. This leads to his arrest and when his parents came in the room wyatt said he told them everything before his father told him to keep quiet about the incident. Before he can leave for his room Jim and Katheryn talk to Wyatt about his actions and after giving him a full lecture they tell him he will go to prison and will be raped but he disregards this warning. Wyatt asks what happened to Rico as the guard tells him Rico was stabbed and he got a new cellmate. Later on Wyatt is at home when the DA come to arrest him but as they do so the news comes on with a man resembling Wyatt taking responsibility for the hit and run being arrested for the crime. By the end of season 3, Jeffery invites Landon over to his hotel room after telling off his mom and letting her know that he is tired of her threats and he isn't going to live his life to make her happy. Wyatt tries to talk to his mother about it but she tell him the same thing as his father has now taken care of the problem. Not only did Candace cop to her true feelings for Charles, a. Jeffrey goes to Candace's room where he is given 10 grand to which he denies taking being suspicious and the fact that his father will being giving him money. In the season one finale jeffrey came out to both his parents and the results were disastrous and while david was supportive, veronica however promptly scorned him and revealed to him her having an abortion while in college and years of countless miscarriages and said that jeffrey was suppose to carry on the harrington name and said she would never be okay with his sexuality as it is a punishment from God to have a gay son and left the room without a sign of remorse in her voice. He takes note of his parents' behavior and quickly asks David if Veronica was responsible for the situation when David tries to change the subject, Jeffrey again asks if she did it. Wyatt has committed a hit-and-run which killed a young girl and hospitalized benny young leading him to be placed on life support with his condition growing worse than before. David then tells him to talk to wyatt but his mother at which he does and along the home he calls Candace to tell her the news that Amanda committed suicide which she already got the messages with that done he goes home to his apartment. And endless possibilities.Discover OWN TV:Find OWN on your TV! Because of his actions at the cemetery wyatt was identified as the driver by Tina as said by the officer that Jim had do survilliance on Hanna Young. Jeffrey is contacted by Justin who tells him he and his fellow officers are being called to search Candace's house and he asks if there was something he was hiding there but Jeffrey is too nervous to answer. Unbeknownst to Veronica, jeffrey is gay and hides his sexuality from her (correctly) fearing that veronica would shame him and disapprove of his lifestyle. By the time Quincy returns, he angrily kicks open Jeffrey's door but he is nowhere to be seen. When Jeffery learned from Veronica that Wyatt died, Jeffery broke down in tears as he had took in news. Candace also started to become suspicious and suspects that his mother is blackmailing him of unknown incident (in reality the car that Wyatt ran over Benny and Lizzie with) and when she noticed that Veronica was at his apartment. Wyatt is shown following his father's advice by not speaking to the police even after almost throwing up and confessing after being shown the graphic picture of lizzie who is described to have look so disgusting that her funeral couldn't allow a open casket wyatt still didn't speak up. Later the two watch lizzie's funeral and apologize to each other for all the wrong they have done to one another and during their talk wyatt learns that the tow truck driver he hit was hanna's son. However, things get worse as Jeffrey finds out from Veronica that Katheryn has just told her that Wyatt had died causing Jeffrey to break down before Veronica silences him and offers to take him to the Cryer house to grieve over his dead friend. When she once more demands he come over, he states he will take his chances and tells her "Go to hell Veronica" meaning he has lost all fear and affection for her. Jeffery's feelings for Wyatt start to fade as he becomes attracted to Landon. Wyatt wants to help his friend get out of a bad situation. Jeffrey is beyond disgusted and sickened by his mother's actions, even more so when he catches her sleeping with Benny Young. The Haves and the Have Nots S05E21 - Moles - July 10, 2018 The Haves and the Have Nots S05 E21 The Haves and the Have Nots 5X21 The Haves and the Have Nots. But I hated it all the way to the end of the season! In the Season 4 finale, gets a call from Melissa and his mother telling him to get ready for his engagement but finally having enough he tells her that the police are searching Candace's house and refuses to return to her house as she has lost her trump card. He is well aware that his son has a drug problem and has apparently spent quite a large amount of money in different treatments trying to help his son get clean. Jeffrey gives Quincy the phone and listens in on their conversation and is shocked when it turns out Veronica did in fact tell Quincy that Candace was at his apartment. Candace tells Jeffrey that both of them cannot go to jail while Jeffrey states it was self-defense however, he begins to freak out as Candace informs since they stab Quincy multiple times it won't look that way. It's hinted Landon might be off the show for quite sometime. Melissa arrives and takes a pregnancy test Candace gives her. Wyatt is at the county jail being interogated by an inspector who tries to get him to confess that it was he who hit and killed six year old lizzie and hospitialized benny young. Jeffrey then accompanies Candace as she looks for her brother at his tow yard company where he finds much to his shock and horror his old car, which his mother has been blackmailing him since season 2. But she makes it through the speech. Jim agrees and asks Wyatt if he has anymore stories to tell the DA and if he wants to continue act like how he's been acting for the past few days. 7 . Wyatt begs jeffrey not to leave as he is the only friend he's got however, jeffrey still leaves and wyatt is left to sadly watch this before going in the house. When Veronica found about Quincy's disappearance after from his sister, she realized Jeffrey had a hand in that with Candace and visited them. Jeffery enabled this behavior! We know it's hard to believe, but yes, Wyatt is dead. Wyatt then reveals he always knew Jeffrey was gay and says in a cutting and unsparing moment he is neither gay nor bisexual and is not interested him and says he was getting even for what happend with Laura. Air date: Feb 13, 2018. When visiting him she said "He looked scared to death". New episode airs next Tuesday, 9/8c. He appears at the celebration his mother hosted as he sees Jeffrey come with his date Melissa he silently thanks Jeffrey for his actions even if took a lot of guts to do. She watched her son sleep that night until he was woken up by his angry father and while jim gave wyatt an earful about his actions katheryn tried her best to keep everything calm however, jim carried on with his yelling. Not wanting to go to jail and not wanting to deal with the large guilt he's suffering he vows to never get high ever again to which he is praised by his father as he is moving on the right path. Jeffrey Harrington is a character on the series, The Haves and the Have Nots. Jim tells Wyatt that because of his actions he is getting what he ask for Wyatt tries to dissuade his father from this calling him "Dad" again but Jim using Wyatt's words and insults in the past few days against him tells him to enjoy prison and has the guards take "Norman" away to his cell. After the public speech, his mother fired Landon after he embarrassed her he also notice that Jeffrey was not happy about all of this and kissing the guy that he likes shocking Melissa and tell her that he's gay. OPRAH IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF HARPO, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2023 HARPO PRODUCTIONS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Jeffrey does pretty well but Quincy wins the fight by using brass knuckles handlebar to seriously hurt Jeffrey's arm and ribs really bad. The two are shocked and wonder what to do as Candace tells him to do as Veronica says for now but Jeffrey refuses to allow her to control him again but Candace says to do it until she has a plan but he states he is sick of her and his mother's manipulations and wishes to be like them before leaving. Jeffrey then begs Quincy to stop beating him which causes Quincy to ask Jeffrey again unlock his and phone to call Candace ask where she was located. Love, lust and whatever comes in between was in the air in Tuesday's randypants episode of The Haves and the Have Nots. The Haves and the Have Nots is Tyler Perry's soap opera that premiered on The Oprah Network back in 2013. 8 Quita quickly asks a nervous Jeffrey where her brother was as he tells her he doesn't know. However, to his shock the man turns out to be Candace's ex-boyfriend Quincy who asks him where Candace was though Jeffrey tells him he doesn't know where she is and asks Quincy to leave, he states he isn't going anywhere. The guard seeing the inmate asks how he got in the cell as the inmate says he was just put there the guard calls for another guard and the inmate is escorted out. However, this alerted Jeffrey that Amanda was really mentally unhinged and she needed help immediately. This fear was valid as Veronica later threatens to make him suffer if he were to ever put hand against her in anyway before leaving him in a state of fear. Jeffrey has been cut off financially by his mother who refuses to give him a dime until he submits to her demands this forces jeffrey to move in with Candance and Amanda. Jeffrey arrives to his home where he finds a man sleeping in his bed and thinking this was a prank from Candace he awakens the man. Meanwhile, he struggles not to get too close, complicated by the fact that he has long had secret romantc feelings for Wyatt, of which the latter appears to be blissfully unaware. What judge will give a man authorization to pull the plug on a son that (1) he's never had any part in his life (2) is grown and the mother that raised him is still alive and present in his life (3) doesn't even know if its his real son! The two enter the prison and Jim arranges for an officer to take Wyatt into his office to "show" him something. As Candace struggles in an attempt to get the ex-convict off her, Jeffrey hits him in the head with a large flower vase getting him off Candace. Justin later arrives at the Sarandon where Jeffrey confesses to stabbing his mother as Justin contacts the station while telling Jeffrey to relax as he asks if they have a warrant for a Jeffrey Harrington but they reply with a negative. After Veronica and David walk away, Landon kisses Jeffery in front of Melissa and proceeds to tell her that he is gay. The show follows the complicated dynamic between the rich and powerful Cryer family and the hired help who work in their opulent Savannah, Georgia mansion. He stated that he wyatt did not hit lizzie and benny but he struck Donald who claimed to have not been too hurt and did not press charges against wyatt for the young man seemed to be really sorry for his actions. These words left jeffrey in tears while his supportive father stayed in the room to comfort his son. When Veronica tells him in a threatening way not to hurt her son and that she will send him back to prison, he mentions that he's going to be charged with the murder of her son and sexual assaulting her. Throughout the second season jim is shown going through great lengths to protect his son and has become proud that he wouldn't turn back to drugs in his alone time and talks him out of turning himself in. 28 May 2013. While jeffrey admitted that he no longer cares for wyatt's actions he promises not to turn him in because of their past friendship but he was very shocked to learn that wyatt also hit a tow truck driver. As Wyatt expresses confusion and refuses to do so but changes his tune upon hearing Jim threaten to have guards do it for him. Jeffrey then pushes Quincy out and quickly locks the door however, Quincy taunts him by telling him he still has his phone and he would wait for him to come back out before calling him peaches again and laughing. Jim deciding to teach his son a lesson about prison pulled some strings and took Wyatt to the prison where he was to stay for a few days until he was ready to comply. Her husband arrives and it turns out to be Justin who is angry at Jeffrey for talking to his wife who leaves to let Justin handle it. Gavin Alexander Houston (born December 10, 1977) is an American actor, best known for playing the role of Jeffrey Harrington on the Oprah Winfrey Network primetime television soap opera, The Haves and the Have Nots from 2013 to 2021. Rico gets up angry that Wyatt is a snitch to and punches him in the face causing Wyatt to break down. Wyatt tells Rico he's not gay as the man tells him he isn't either but he intends to collect on his "new gift". He has a movie coming out Friday that I will definitely check out! He then went to the Cryers to let them know that they should have Amanda committed and tells them she had recently purchased a gun and is planning to kill them. He returns to Candace's house where he spots police with two people one of them by Quita Maxwell, Quincy's sister (who had snuck in Candace's house looking for Quincy). Candace deduces that Quincy was behind the attack and that Jeffrey sent him to random location to protect her. When Wyatt's vices returned he confessed to the DA about the whole incident as well as Veronica having the car in her possession when confronted by Veronica about this choice he stated "I want you all to pay!" He leaves the hotel and returns home and is in the kitchen with his father when Celine walks in as she talks with Jim, Wyatt comments on her begging like a whore as Celine tells him to be silent. He apologizes to Jeffrey but the latter says to feel sorry for Veronica who is in dire need of help. ), Jim, Katheryn, Jeffrey and Madison (dead, dead, dead and also dead). A bit worried, Wyatt calls Jim "Dad" as Jim comments on this and asks if he is afraid but the latter denies his fear and goes into the office as his father says he will be scared very soon. Through this encounter, Justin became Jeffrey's lover as Jeffrey threatened to reveal Justin's secret and their encounter. However, Jeffrey did not want him to disrespect his mother even more and tells him to stop but Wyatt told Jeffrey that he will text him the video once it's done recording. At first, Wyatt was on good terms with Celine but upon going through his father's phone and learning about his father's numerous affairs as well as two half-brothers he started to refer to Celine as "Whore" and even attempted to sleep with her when his vice's returned but Celine rebuffed his advance as well put him in his place. Jim tells the two to switch clothes and while they do so he tells Norman he's sorry that he had to the fall for a thankless young man. In mid season one, Laura walks back into Wyatt's life. His mother again tries to get him to come in but he replies that he has been in jail for too long and needs some fresh air to which she cooperates and leaves him to his thoughts. The police tell Jeffrey that they managed to find Quincy's phone but cannot find him (which unknown to all he was buried in Candace's backyard by Benny Young). Veronica left the room as jeffrey started to cry and was consoled by his father David who had acted on his earlier statement that he was still their son and he would always love and accept him. But he knows that he can't do anything with him knowing that his mother would send him to jail over Lizzie's murder. Later when wyatt confessed to his actions his father is shown deeply worried as his only son is going to jail he rushes into the interrogating room and tells his son not to say anymore but wyatt tells him it's too late. I think he needs to stick to writing movies! Later, Wyatt is in his room on the computer watching a video when Jim walks in and tells him they are going somewhere but Wyatt says he isn't going anywhere with him until Jim grabs him by the hand and pulls him out the room and tells him to move. He then calls Jim only to find that his cellphone was left outside on the porch, he takes the phone with him to his father's study where he goes through it which confirms his father's cheating. About OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network is the. Jeffrey sits down as Veronica tells they are leaving but he refuses and she starts to insult him as he begins to lose more of his patience looking intently at a wine bottle as Veronica asks him why was he keep looking at that bottle telling his mother that he wants to hit her in the head with it but she rebukes stating the only stopping him is because he doesn't have the heart. Wyatt then goes to see his visitor who are revealed to be his parents who are somewhat pleased to see how prison has broken him in just a few days. The Haves and the Have Nots S05E25 - A Fathers Regret - August 28, 2018 || The Haves and the Have Nots S5 E25 || The Haves and the Have Nots 5X25 || The Haves . When Celine begs Jim to be there with her like he was before, wyatt comments Jim wasn't there for Amanda which causes Jim to lash out him throwing the young man down the stair before proceeding to beat him for his words. Candace tells Jeffery not to go over there but he decides to go anyways. Jeffrey realizes that mother may have had something to do with it but keeps it to himself. He later comes out to his parents while his father was alright the situation his mother reacted in a different with disastrous results; she is unwilling to accept that his sexuality is who he is and tells him she would rather have a son who prefers women. When he sees his parents the next day he asks if Hanna was there as he intended to tell her everything but is told by them that she is not there yet so he decides to wait for her to come and tell her. Justin harassed Jeffrey for his harassment as Jeffrey realized the latter was gay as well and uses this against by sleeping with him after threatening to tell his wife or his mother about it. Back at the Cryer Mansion, Jeffrey is in the kitchen talking with Landon the two are interrupted when Wyatt enters but soon leaves after insulting the two allowing the two talk once more. He is later seen still intoxicated behind the wheel of Jeffrey's car his face bruised from an (off-screen) altercation at said location. Melissa tells Jeffrey that she had to sleep with him in order to give Veronica a grandchild or else her father will die due to not being able to pay for his cancer treatments. Wyatt says that's not happening as Rico tells him they will see at night. Jeffrey couldn't get Candace to answer and had to tell Quincy that she was at a hotel which made Quincy tell Jeffrey if she was not where he said she was he and Jeffrey will come back to the apartment and he would murder Jeffrey before he breaking Jeffrey's house phone. Love and relationships are a tricky thing, especially if you have to survive on 'The Haves And The Have Nots'. Jeffrey confronted wyatt over his involvement in the incident which led wyatt to break down and apologize for his actions. A dangerous gang member, he is the ex-lover of Candace Young and father of their young son, Quincy Daylon "Q" Young. Love, lust and whatever comes in between was in the air in Tuesday's randypants episode of The Haves and the Have Nots. As Benny Young arrives threatening to expose Jeffrey's sexuality to his father unless Jeffrey has his father turn his business phones back on, Jeffrey is amused by this and calls David who revealed that Wyatt wasn't dead he was just passed out from the party. Despite this, Justin does seem to enjoy his time with Jeffrey who seems to view him as a friend as he was the first Jeffrey told of his stabbing of Veronica and Justin made sure that Jeffrey wasn't wanted by police. Remembering that Candace has not been in contact with her brother who is also a tow truck driver jeffrey put the two together and told candace (without mentioning wyatt was behind it) that benny was hit by the same person that killed lizzie. As this happen a scared Wyatt called Jim "Dad" as the latter used Wyatt's insults and behavior in the last few days against him. 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