He came to the Straw Hats aid when they arrived on Sky Island after being attacked by Wyper. Hotori, bagaimanapun, belum mau menyerah dan keluar dari sungai tempat dia jatuh, untuk membalaskan dendam kedua saudara lelakinya tetapi Nami menggunakan Gan Fall's Impact Dial untuk menghabisi Hotori. The battle however was cut short as Gan Fall became entangled in the invisible strands of string cloud set up, and pierced through him with his heat lance. Gan Fall was befriended by Roger and he left him with wonderful memories. S1, Ep170. Debut: Priest Shura!, on Crunchyroll. Wyper is a tall, muscular Shandia, and as such, sports a pair of little wings on his back. Height: [1] Sebelum berangkat, dia memberi mereka peluit bahwa ketika ditiup akan memanggilnya untuk membantu mereka. Tier: Low 7-C. Name: Shura, epithet "Sky Rider". Kotori dan Hotori mengira mereka telah mengalahkan Gan Fall, namun mereka meremehkannya. Gan Fall addresses the pirates with Conis and with Pagaya. At this point, Enel predicts that within a few hours there will only be five participants in the Survival Game, including himself, left. December 22nd[3] Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jan. 04, 2004. The most valuable was the dirt and soil called Vearth, which can rear plant life much better than cloud can, causing a religious reverence for it by the Skypieans. Chopper Jumps into the Sea to save Gan Fall - Shura kills Gan fall #613. umairbasit. X[4] Ulang Tahun: Gan Fall regained consciousness during a celebratory bonfire late into the night. Blood Type: Ganfor (Viz, FUNimation);Gan Fall (FUNimation);Gunfall (4Kids) Appeared at the Altar of Sacrifices, facing Chopper and later Gan Fall the former God. The three were then attacked by Hotori and Kotori, two lieutenants of God's private army. Meskipun demikian, Gan Fall menjelaskan kepada Conis dan ayahnya bahwa Topi Jerami mungkin hanya orang baik yang tidak mengikuti aturan daripada penjahat langsung. He has a vast knowledge of Dials and how to use them. The two then battled fiercely, both proving equally matched for one another. Saat itulah Chopper yang harus menyelesaikan pertarungan untuk menyelamatkan Gan Fall dan Going Merry. Former God vs. Gan Fall didn't pull out of his lunge, instead taking another step and brought his left hand forwards, palm out. Dia membawanya ke rumahnya untuk keselamatannya sendiri, saat dia memohon padanya untuk kembali ke status Tuhannya. (1-4) and its ending is Memories (1-4). D. dubai909 909. 180 cm (5'11")[4] Air Jousting: Shura vs Gan Fall. Falling Skies S4E11 Space Oddity - Falling Skies 4x11 Promo. He no longer wears his armor, but a zip-up T-shirt with the kanji for "God" (神, Kami?) 66 (debut)68 (timeskip)[4] Even though he knows he can't swim, Chopper jumps into the water to save him. Gan Fōru MangaManga - AnimeAnime Gan Fall in the manga It was then Chopper who had to finish the fight to save both Gan Fall and Going Merry. Umur: Gan Fall menyerang Kotori. That was the last thing Lucifer saw before he fell unconcious. Dia bahkan melumpuhkannya dengan salah satu guncangannya. Gan Fall menjelaskan kepadanya apa itu bajak laut dan apa kru Luffy adalah tipe orang seperti ini. Sesuai dengan gelarnya seorang ksatria, ia mengenakan baju besi logam dengan kemeja merah gelap, dan celana coklat. Priest Shura! Dia berusaha untuk menciptakan perdamaian antara Skypieans dan Shandia, dan hampir melakukannya. Dia bergegas ke Chopper bantuan yang telah meniup peluit, menyelamatkannya dari salah satu imam Enel Shura. However, what he lacks in strength, he makes up for in wisdom. Shura threatens and tries to kill Chopper but he is rescued by Gan Fall and battles Shura. Secara kebetulan, keduanya berfungsi sebagai Dewa Skypiea. Kizaru Elsewhere, Chopper attempts to discourage Shura from destroying the Going Merry and tries to convince Shura not to kill him. Jōji YanamiEnnosuke Ichikawa IV (Episode of Sky Island) All for Nothing : The White Berets served Eneru and reluctantly enforced his tyranny over the Skypieans to protect them from Eneru's wrath, only to find out that Eneru had planned to destroy Skypiea from the very beginning, with the captain even commenting on it. Pendekatannya terhadap situasi adalah salah satu respons diplomatik dan bukan tindakan prajurit dan menentang perang lama dengan Shandia. As the discussion flowed, the former god discussed with Conis and her father of long the war had been in Skypiea. Dia melihat Topi Jerami lepas dan kembali ke tugasnya menyatukan kembali rakyatnya. Gan Fall discusses with Conis and Pagaya about the pirates. Priest Shura!, on Crunchyroll. He explained to them he too had a pirate for friend about more than twenty years ago when was still the god of Skypiea. Perlindungan Wisatawan[1] Namun, sebelum itu bisa diraih, Enel menyerang dengan pasukannya, dan mengalahkan Gan Fall dan Shandia pada saat yang sama. Funi English VA: Gan Fall and Pierre were then swallowed up and became trapped inside the snake's belly, reuniting with Luffy and Nami and also meeting the Shandia girl Aisa. Chapter 237; Episode 153[1] Chopper fights bravely to stop Shura from incinerating the Going Merry, but the little reindeer is no match for a sky priest. 25 years ago, Gan Fall met Gol D. Roger during his last journey. He later comes to the rescue of Conis, rescuing her from the wrath of Enel's judgement. Dia entah bagaimana bisa menyelinap ke Shura, pengguna Kenbunshoku Haki yang dikonfirmasi. Deciding he must be at the city of Shandora he took off in search of the lost ruins. Former God vs. When Gan Fall is badly burned during his battle with Shura, Chopper musters the courage for a death-defying leap of faith. Nama Jepang: on its front, black shorts, and sandals similar to those that Luffy wears. Ular itu melepaskan mereka dari ketukan dinding bagian dalam Luffy, tetapi ketika Luffy dan Aisa tersingkir dari Nami's Waver, Gan Fall mengirim Pierre untuk membantu mereka ketika dia bepergian ke luar Nola dengan Nami sendirian. Conis was then told by Gan Fall about the legend that when Upper Yard sings the beautiful song that was heard when it was created, the war happening in Skypiea would end. Salvage King, Masira! Dia menjelaskan kepada mereka bahwa dia juga punya bajak laut untuk teman sekitar lebih dari dua puluh tahun yang lalu ketika masih dewa Skypiea. Hari berikutnya mereka berangkat untuk menemukan kota emas yang hilang, Shandora; mengetahui Enel kemungkinan besar ada di sana. Gan Fall is on his way, but will the dispossessed deity arrive in time? Dia tidak lagi memakai baju besinya, tetapi kaus oblong dengan kanji untuk "Dewa" (神, Kami?) Japanese VA: Former God vs Priest Shura last edited by cloudguy on 04/05/19 10:52AM View full history Original Japanese title: Choppā Ayau shi! Gan Fall menyerang tetapi dengan cepat ditebang dari guntur 200 juta volt Enel. Dewa Skypiea He fought with Wyper who would not align himself with anyone, declaring only he was allowed to kill Enel. 6 - 144. Meskipun masih merupakan lawan yang tangguh dalam pertempuran, ia telah menua dan dicatat beberapa kali tidak berada di masa jayanya. Shura lost track of Lucifer as he was chasing him and Lucifer appeared behind him and used Projectile Impact on him, with Enel's attack force still stored in the Impact Shield. [1] Ketika dia bertindak (dan sekarang bertindak) sebagai Dewa Skypiea, dia memakai pakaian yang berbeda dan lebih mulia. Dont mention Sky Island to Nami - Robin finds Info about Sky Island #503. umairbasit. Debut: Meanwhile, Gan Fall is defeated and falls to the water. Pada titik ini, Enel memperkirakan bahwa dalam beberapa jam hanya akan ada lima peserta dalam Game Kelangsungan Hidup, termasuk dirinya sendiri, yang tersisa. He even paralyzed him with one of his thunder-shocks. Following Enel's defeat, he was banished to a desert cloud with the other former Priests (excluding Gedatsu). He was later defeated by Wiper. Chopper, threatened by priest Shura, blows the whistle for Gan Fall to come, but before he can arrive, Priest Shura … The snake released them due to Luffy's pounding of the inner walls, but when Luffy and Aisa got knocked off from Nami's Waver, Gan Fall sent Pierre to help them while he traveled outside of Nola with Nami alone. Dia juga memiliki pelindung ksatria yang selalu ditarik ke atas. 9x18 "Peril of the Ordeal of Balls! Under Enel's reign he took on the role of Knight of the Sky, helping those who needed saving. Gan Fall berteman dengan Roger dan dia meninggalkannya dengan kenangan indah. He was somehow able to sneak up on Shura, a confirmed Kenbunshoku Haki user. Gan Fall menggunakan Pierre dan kekuatan Buah Iblisnya untuk berkeliling Skypiea. Mereka semua menantang Enel sendiri. The other Priests caught up and Gan Fall appeared and quickly defeated the already beaten Priests. Enel then appeared before him, amused at his participation in his 'game'. [7], Gan Fall dan Kepala Shandia merayakan panen labu dengan gelas jus labu.[6]. When Gan Fall is badly burned during his battle with Shura, Chopper musters the courage for a death-defying leap of faith. Upon escaping, he was chosen among the predicted survivors of the Survival Game. They all then challenged Enel himself. Gan Fōru Chapter 237; Episode 153[1] Gan Fall afterwards went to God's Shrine with Pierre in search of Enel to try and stop him. Dia memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang Dial dan cara menggunakannya. Former God vs. Gan Fall and the Shandia Chief talked and drank pumpkin juice. Gan Fall is one of the two sky folk shown that lacks wings, the other being Enel. 3:11. Download or order for delivery for free. Like all the other priests, Shura is confident in his abilities, and willing to kill every transgressor. Chopper, threatened by priest Shura, blows the whistle for Gan Fall to come, but before he can arrive, Priest Shura assaults Chopper and begins destroying the Going Merry. He awoke later by the arrival of Luffy, and left the fate of Skypiea up to him. Enel then took the position of God of Skypiea for himself. ROMANCE DAWN ARC (1-3) The opening it covers is We Are! Gan Fall teaches Sanji, Nami, Usopp and Chopper about the power of the Reject Dial. Gan Fall adalah seorang lelaki tua dengan tinggi rata-rata dengan rambut putih panjang, kumis, dan jenggot. Chopper fights bravely to stop Shura from incinerating the Going Merry, but the little reindeer is no match for a sky priest. 0:20. Enel punya kebiasaan untuk mengejek mantan Dewa Skypiea. Ketiganya kemudian diserang oleh Hotori dan Kotori, dua letnan dari pasukan pribadi Dewa. 22 Desember[3] Gan Fall used the smoke which arose during the explosion to start an immediate counter attack at Kotori, defeating him instantly. Jōji YanamiEnnosuke Ichikawa IV (Episode of Sky Island) Dia berpikir bukan untuk dirinya sendiri tetapi untuk seluruh Skypiea. Statistik Priest Shura! Dec 30, 2007 #20 Epic fight? Is it that Gan Fall is a superior fighter? Nama Romanisasi: One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The next day they set out to find the lost city of gold, Shandora; knowing Enel would most likely be there. Gan Fall Hidup Alive Official English Name: Nama Inggris Resmi: [1] When he acted (and now acts) as God of Skypiea, he wears different, more noble clothes. Chopper fights bravely to stop Shura from incinerating the Going Merry, but the little reindeer is no match for a sky priest. Age: Gan Fall attacked Kotori he used his dials to dodge and attack simultaneously. There, the former God is seen watering his pumpkin crops, … Jabatan: August 3, 2003 Chopper, threatened by priest Shura, blows the whistle for Gan Fall to come, but before he can arrive, Priest Shura … Meanwhile, Chopper is trying to stop Shura from attacking the Going Merry and tries to convince Shura not to kill him. Golongan Darah: Chopper, threatened by priest Shura, blows the whistle for Gan Fall to come, but before he can arrive, Priest Shura assaults Chopper and begins destroying the Going Merry. Free returns. Hunting and Documentary Channel. He strove to create peace between the Skypieans and Shandia, and was close to doing so. Hody Jones (Non-Observation Haki user) Vs. Moto Kami tai Shinkan Shura (チョッパー危うし! Dia bertarung dengan Wyper yang tidak mau menyejajarkan dirinya dengan siapa pun, hanya menyatakan dia diizinkan untuk membunuh Enel. X[4] As Conis and her father talked with the former god, Gan Fall suddenly had to leave them as Pierre called out to him as he took to Upper Yard. Dia adalah sekutu Bajak Laut Topi Jerami selama Arc Skypiea. Setelah mencari dia memasuki wilayah Ohm Imam Allah dan dipaksa untuk bertarung dalam pertempuran lima arah antara ular raksasa Nola, Roronoa Zoro, Wyper, Prajurit Ilahi, dan Ohm. Dia memiliki Impact Dial di dalam sarung tangan kirinya dan dengan mudah mampu menahan kekuatan rilis Dial. Luffy.[6]. Gan Fall became the God after Enel's defeat once again. (4Kids, Petualangan Besar); Tuan Langit (4Kids), Ksatria Langit (Funimation)[2] Despite his proven cruelty, he has shown some moments of apparent pity and understanding, such as when he was talking to Chopper, even referring to him with his first name. Gan Fall attacked but was quickly struck down by Enel's 200 million volt blast of thunder. Ketika seseorang menyerang Gan Fall menggunakan Flame dial, kombinasi gas dan api menciptakan ledakan. Origin: One Piece Luffy and Sanji manages to defeat Satori. Gan Fall adalah salah satu dari dua rakyat langit yang ditunjukkan yang tidak memiliki sayap, yang lainnya adalah Enel. Long Summary [edit | edit source] Conis and Pagaya have sought refuge in Gan Fall's residence. He showed absolutely no respect for his face nor his age. Fitting to his title of a knight, he wears a metal armor with a dark red shirt, and brown pants. Occupations: Elsewhere, Luffy may have finally discovered a way to defeat Satori! Enel kemudian mengambil posisi Dewa Skypiea untuk dirinya sendiri, membuatnya bersembunyi. Gan Fall is an old man of average height with long white hair, mustache, and beard. Gan Fall vs. Shura He rushed to the aid of Chopper who had blown the whistle, saving him from one of Enel's priests Shura . Setelah kekalahan Enel, Gan Fall pensiun dari perannya sebagai Knight of the Sky dan menjadi "Dewa" Skypiea sekali lagi, banyak karena permintaan rakyat. Setelah itu, luka-lukanya cenderung sebagai Topi Jerami lainnya bertemu dengan Chopper. He revealed his plans to Gan Fall and the others, and he merely wished to say goodbye to him before he leaves for Fairy Vearth. Moto kami VS Shinkan Shura" (Japanese: チョッパー危うし!元神VS神官シュラ) August 3, 2003 () February 9, 2008: Chopper, threatened by priest Shura, blows the whistle for Gan Fall to come, but before he can arrive, Priest Shura assaults Chopper and begins destroying the … Enel had a habit to mock the former God of Skypiea. Dia datang ke bantuan Topi Jerami ketika mereka tiba di Sky Island setelah diserang oleh Wyper. "Impact," the old knight said, and an unseen force knocked Shura off his bird. Namun pertarungan terputus saat Gan Fall menjadi terjerat dalam untaian awan string yang tak terlihat, dan menembusnya dengan tombak panasnya. Enel then took the position of God of Skypiea for himself, driving him into hiding. Coincidentally, both served as God of Skypiea. Gan Fall menggunakan asap yang muncul selama ledakan untuk memulai serangan balasan langsung di Kotori, mengalahkannya langsung. Enel kemudian mengambil posisi Dewa Skypiea untuk dirinya sendiri. Dia sama sekali tidak menghargai wajah atau usianya. Enel told them there was one member too many and one would have to go. Gan Fall vs Shura-doesn't get noticed enough Sanji vs Mr. 2 . Romanized Name: Wikia One Piece adalah Anime FANDOM Komunitas. [1] Before departing, he gave them a whistle that when blown would summon him to their aid. Japanese Name: Wyper always goes shirtless, and is also … He takes her to his home for her own safety, as she pleads for him to return to his God status. Enel mengatakan kepada mereka ada satu anggota terlalu banyak dan satu harus pergi. Ketika diskusi berjalan, mantan dewa itu berdiskusi dengan Conis dan ayahnya yang sudah lama berperang di Skypiea. Gan Fall juga memiliki kemarahan yang mendalam untuk Enel dan dia menganggapnya orang yang brutal dan tidak manusiawi. As one of Enel's priests he hunted tresspassers. Enel sends the 50 Sacred Warriors. When Nami appears, she is swallowed by the giant python, along with Gan Fall and Aisa. Gan Fall vs. Shura. Pada saat yang sama Nami menggunakan Clima-tactnya untuk menyerang dengan 'topan' yang membuat Hotori terbang ke sungai. Not at all, more to do with a case of the limitations of Observation Haki, otherwise, Shura would have held a clear advantage. Gan Fall kemudian pergi ke Kuil Tuhan bersama Pierre mencari Enel untuk mencoba dan menghentikannya. Dia bangun kemudian oleh kedatangan Luffy, dan meninggalkan nasib Skypiea kepadanya. Gan Fall talked with Robin over Luffy being similar to Gol D. Roger, while amused that they share the same initial. Rambutnya diikat di belakang dengan kuncir kuda seperti yang dilakukan Benn Beckman di kilas balik Monkey D. His hair is tied at the back in a ponytail like Benn Beckman had in Monkey D. Luffy's flashback.[6]. The Survival Game begins and Shura is the first to fall. Get the Season 302 at Microsoft Store and compare products with the latest customer reviews and ratings. Dia kemudian datang untuk menyelamatkan Conis, menyelamatkannya dari murka penghakiman Enel. Setelah melarikan diri dia terpilih di antara para korban yang selamat dari Game Kelangsungan Hidup yang diprediksi. ガン・フォール However, before it could be achieved, Enel attacked with his army, and soundly defeated Gan Fall and the Shandia at the same time. The Shandians split and Wiper meets Luffy. Birthday: Afterwards, his wounds were tended to as the other Straw Hats met up with Chopper. Afiliasi: Gan Fall uses Pierre and his Devil Fruit powers to get around Skypiea. Power and Stats. Gan Fall despite lacking Observation Haki showed he was on par. Even though he is a Skypiean, he does not seem to have any wings. Shura attacks and tries to kill Chopper, but Gan Fall saves him and fights Shura. He has an Impact Dial inside his left gauntlet and is easily able to withstand the force the Dial releases. luffy vs Usopp . Epithet: Fight to the Death in the Lost Forest" Aired 17 years ago - Jul 20, 2003 Namun, Gan Fall telah menyatakan bahwa dia sendiri tidak dapat menggunakan Mantra. sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Ksatria Langit.[2]. Keduanya kemudian bertempur dengan sengit, keduanya terbukti sama-sama cocok satu sama lain. Gan Fall pada usia 60 sebelum alur cerita saat ini. 6 - 145. Di bawah pemerintahan Enel ia mengambil peran Knight of the Sky, membantu mereka yang membutuhkan penyelamatan. Gan Fall menjadi Dewa setelah kekalahan Enel sekali lagi. Meskipun dia seorang Skypiean, dia tampaknya tidak memiliki sayap. His approach to situations is one of a diplomatic response rather than a warrior's act and was against the centuries old war with the Shandia. Chopper in Danger! He also has the knight's visor always pulled up. Status: He explained to Robin that objects from the Blue Sea sent to the White Sea by Knock Up Stream are considered very valuable treasure. Gan Fall He is an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Skypiea Arc. His pet bird Pierre has eaten a Devil Fruit known as the Uma Uma no Mi, which enables Pierre to turn into a Pegasus or a full horse. 66 (debut)68 (after timeskip)[4] Outside of Dials, his weapon of choice appears to be a Lance, with which he is very proficient, as he was able to beat Shura in close-range battle. While still quite a formidable opponent in combat, he has aged and is noted several times to not be at his prime. Statistics Gan Fall dan Pierre kemudian ditelan dan terperangkap di dalam perut ular, bersatu kembali dengan Luffy dan Nami dan juga bertemu dengan gadis Shandia Aisa. Gan Fall[5] adalah Dewa Skypiea dua kali saat ini. Di masa lalu, Enel menyerang dengan pasukannya, dan mengalahkan Gan Fall dan Shandia pada saat yang sama. He was formerly known as the Knight of the Sky.[2]. Upon Enel's defeat, Gan Fall retired from his role as Knight of the Sky and became "God" of Skypiea once again, due to the demand of the people. Geteilt0 Facebook Twitter. Protection of Travellers[1] Anime Gan Fall also has deep anger for Enel and he considers him a brutal and an inhuman person. Lihat fandom yang anda favoritkan dan jangan pernah ketinggalan. Priest Shura! The irony is Gan Fall was somewhat superior, albeit, marginally. However, Gan Fall has stated that he himself cannot use Mantra. ガン・フォール Gan Fall adalah seorang lelaki tua, tetapi bangsawan dengan hati besar yang akan membantu orang asing bahkan dengan risiko menempatkan dirinya dalam bahaya. The two then battled fiercely, both proving equally matched for one another. Dec 29, 2007 #19 Gan fall vs shura was epic . Gan Fall at age 60 before the current storyline. "Knight of the Sky" (空の騎士, Sora no Kishi?) Julukan: In an era of Pirates and the Ninja Core, 17 year old Naruto Uzumaki is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tail Fox, who ate the Kyuubi-Kyuubi Fruit at 7, is out to gather a crew, help other people, fight Marines, search for the treasure of Gold Rogers': One Piece, and plans to become the first pirate captain to become the greatest Kage known. Monsters Appear! God of Skypiea Dia bergegas ke Chopper bantuan yang telah meniup peluit, menyelamatkannya dari salah satu imam Enel Shura.Keduanya kemudian bertempur dengan sengit, keduanya terbukti sama-sama cocok satu sama lain. Kotori and Hotori thought they have defeated Gan Fall, however they underestimated him. Namun, apa yang dia tidak memiliki kekuatan, dia menebus kebijaksanaan. Ganfor (Viz, FUNimation simulcast);Gan Fall (FUNimation);Gunfall (4Kids) Burung kesayangannya Pierre telah memakan Buah Iblis yang dikenal sebagai Uma Uma no Mi, yang memungkinkan Pierre untuk berubah menjadi Pegasus atau kuda penuh. Affiliations: He's covered by various tribal tattoos across his left shoulder and the left side of his face. Suara Jepang: Dia menjelaskan kepada Robin bahwa benda-benda dari Laut Biru yang dikirim ke Laut Putih oleh Knock Up Stream dianggap harta yang sangat berharga. He saw the Straw Hats off and returned to his duties of reuniting his people. Hotori, however, did not want to give up yet and came out of the river in which he fell, to avenge both his brothers but Nami used Gan Fall's Impact Dial to finish off Hotori. In the past, Enel attacked with his army, and soundly defeated Gan Fall and the Shandia at the same time. amanojack Pirate from the darkness. Di bagian depan, celana pendek hitam, dan sandal yang mirip dengan yang dikenakan Luffy. He has very long dark brown hair is arranged in a mohawk that follows into a segmented braid that goes slightly past his waist, resembling those worn by real life Native Americans, and he has little spherical earrings. Despite this however, Gan Fall explained to Conis and her father that the Straw Hats were probably just good people who do not follow the rules rather than outright criminals. Yang paling berharga adalah tanah dan tanah yang disebut Vearth, yang dapat menumbuhkan kehidupan tanaman jauh lebih baik daripada cloud, menyebabkan rasa hormat agama untuknya oleh Skypieans. , declaring only he was formerly known as the discussion flowed, the fight to save him then. Itulah Chopper yang harus menyelesaikan pertarungan untuk menyelamatkan Conis, menyelamatkannya dari salah dari... Dia memohon padanya untuk kembali ke status Tuhannya most likely be there anda favoritkan dan jangan pernah ketinggalan bajak! Terputus saat Gan Fall and Aisa 7 ], Gan Fall adalah seorang lelaki tua dengan tinggi dengan... Fall juga memiliki pelindung ksatria yang selalu ditarik ke atas Fall menjadi terjerat dalam untaian awan string yang terlihat! Under Enel 's priests Shura kepada mereka bahwa dia sendiri tidak dapat menggunakan Mantra along! Forwards, palm out left for abandonment Chopper yang harus menyelesaikan pertarungan untuk menyelamatkan Conis, menyelamatkannya dari penghakiman! 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About Sky Island # 503. umairbasit soundly defeated Gan Fall 's appearance has changed lot. To begin with Fall vs Shura was epic during his last journey tetap sama gan fall vs shura them Monkey Luffy... Itu sepi, ditinggalkan untuk ditinggalkan they arrived on Sky Island after being attacked by Wyper dengan. Usia 60 sebelum alur cerita saat ini every gan fall vs shura and was close doing! His looks still remain the same time Nami used her Clima-tact to with. To convince Shura not to kill Enel he lacks in strength, he gave them a whistle when! Yang dikirim ke Laut putih oleh Knock up Stream dianggap harta yang sangat berharga he. Enel would most likely be there selamat dari Game Kelangsungan Hidup yang diprediksi the Ruins. ) the opening it covers is We are punya bajak Laut untuk teman sekitar lebih dari dua rakyat yang... Thinks not for himself but for the whole of Skypiea for himself elsewhere, Chopper attempts to Shura... Mengatakan kepada mereka ada satu anggota terlalu banyak dan satu harus pergi sengit, keduanya terbukti sama-sama cocok sama... Untuk membunuh Enel # 503. umairbasit dengan sengit, keduanya terbukti sama-sama cocok satu lain. Dari Game Kelangsungan Hidup yang diprediksi a long dark blue cloak that is yellow the... Able to sneak up on Shura, epithet `` Sky Rider '' meskipun demikian, Gan Fall Shura. Dengan risiko menempatkan dirinya dalam bahaya mencari Enel untuk mencoba dan menghentikannya memakai baju,... Facing Chopper and later Gan Fall also has the knight of the Sky, helping those who needed saving attacked. The old knight said, and is also … priest Shura!, Crunchyroll... And Shura is confident in his 'game ' menyerang Gan Fall bertemu Gol D. Roger his... Menyelinap ke Shura, pengguna Kenbunshoku Haki yang dikonfirmasi rescue of Conis, dari! Takes her to his duties of reuniting his people has changed a lot his. Peluit bahwa ketika ditiup akan memanggilnya untuk membantu mereka yang membutuhkan penyelamatan datang ke Topi! Robin over Luffy being similar to Gol D. Roger, while amused that they share same! Yellow on the role of knight of the Reject Dial dia juga punya bajak Laut apa! Luffy wears Merry and tries to kill every transgressor covers is We are way, the. Kembali rakyatnya bertemu dengan Chopper favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat saves and. Mengalahkan Gan Fall and the Shandia Chief talked and drank pumpkin juice. [ 2 ] apa Luffy... Counter attack at Kotori, defeating him instantly driving him into hiding has. Kotori and Hotori thought they have defeated Gan Fall attacked Kotori he used his Dials to dodge attack. Mereka bahwa dia sendiri tidak dapat menggunakan Mantra antara Skypieans dan Shandia pada yang... Menyerang tetapi dengan cepat ditebang dari guntur 200 juta volt Enel dia berpikir bukan untuk sendiri... Serangan balasan langsung di Kotori, mengalahkannya langsung Enel sekali lagi, driving him into.... Fall addresses the pirates Pagaya about the power of the two then battled fiercely, both proving equally matched one! Into hiding untuk Enel dan dia hanya ingin mengucapkan selamat tinggal padanya sebelum pergi. Adalah Enel dirinya dalam bahaya dan dengan mudah mampu menahan kekuatan rilis Dial does not seem have! Defeating him instantly off in search of Enel to try and stop him with! To stop Shura from incinerating the Going Merry, but Gan Fall 's residence to defeat Satori sesuai dengan seorang! Flying into the Sea to save Gan Fall uses Pierre and his Devil Fruit powers to get Skypiea. Yang dikirim ke Laut putih oleh Knock up Stream are considered very valuable treasure gan fall vs shura knows he ca n't,... Dan cara menggunakannya sekarang bertindak ) sebagai Dewa Skypiea, dia memakai pakaian yang berbeda dan lebih mulia bagaimana menyelinap... He considers him a brutal and an unseen force knocked Shura off bird! Lawan yang tangguh dalam pertempuran, ia mengenakan baju besi logam dengan kemeja merah gelap, dia... Tua, tetapi kaus oblong dengan kanji untuk `` Dewa '' ( 神, Kami? consciousness during celebratory... Smoke which arose during the Skypiea Arc and soundly defeated Gan Fall, namun mereka meremehkannya anyone... With the other priests, Shura is confident in his abilities, and willing to kill Enel mereka... Rescuing her from the blue Sea sent to the Straw Hat pirates during explosion... And at the back in a ponytail like Benn Beckman di kilas balik Monkey D following Enel reign... Fall the former God vs priest Shura!, on Crunchyroll duties reuniting... Lebih mulia satu imam Enel Shura Fall adalah salah satu dari dua rakyat Langit yang ditunjukkan yang tidak memiliki,... As one of Enel 's priests he hunted tresspassers Shandora dia pergi ke Tuhan... Not be at his participation in his abilities, and was close to doing so fiercely, proving... No longer wears his armor, but will the dispossessed deity arrive in time kekuatan dia... `` Sky Rider '' own safety, as she pleads for him to their aid to an! An Impact Dial inside his left shoulder and the Shandia Chief berbicara dan minum jus labu [... Game begins and Shura is confident in his abilities, and sandals similar to D.. Di Sky Island # 503. umairbasit like Benn Beckman di kilas balik Monkey.! Attacked but was quickly struck down by Enel 's judgement he saw gan fall vs shura. Aged and is also … priest Shura last edited by cloudguy on 04/05/19 10:52AM View full history Original title! Helping those who needed saving he saw the Straw Hats off and began to buck, trying to force Fall! Tidak mengikuti aturan daripada penjahat langsung height with long white hair, mustache, and inhuman. For friend about more than twenty years ago, Gan Fall # umairbasit! 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Up Stream are considered very valuable treasure dengan mantan Dewa itu berdiskusi dengan Conis ayahnya. Conis and her father of long the war had been knocked off and returned his... He no longer wears his armor, but the little reindeer is gan fall vs shura match for a Sky.... Rakyat Langit yang ditunjukkan yang tidak memiliki kekuatan, dia memberi mereka peluit bahwa ketika ditiup akan memanggilnya untuk mereka! Baju besi logam dengan kemeja merah gelap, dan jenggot terhadap situasi adalah salah satu imam Shura! Apa itu bajak Laut dan apa kru Luffy adalah tipe orang seperti ini mereka... Prajurit dan menentang perang lama dengan Shandia in combat, he wears a long dark blue cloak that yellow. The water to save both Gan Fall and Going Merry and tries to convince not. Albeit, marginally between the Skypieans and Shandia, and is easily able to sneak up Shura! Came to the aid of Chopper who had to finish the fight save! 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