", If i drew it it'd look like a monkey eating a horsradish on the moon or something, http://www.aquariumforum.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=14770, Freshwater Fish Diseases,Algae Issues,Emergencies, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Jun 20, 2019 - Explore Ashley Snay's board "125 gallon aquarium" on Pinterest. TheReefer Fire Eel. Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:40 pm I would do one or the other if your going to just use a 40 gallon. When buying tetraodon, please consider that it grows to become a large fish and some time later it’ll be impossible to keep it in one tank with small fishes, even provided with good and variable diet. But, that doesn't really surprise me! Shawn Handley Jr. - 2012-04-08 i have a 40 gal breeder that has in it a 9 inch pleco, 4 inch greent terror, 3 inch golden severium, 2 5 inch peacock eels, 5 1 or 2 inch assorted cory cats, a 5 inch rocket gar, and a 5 inch red hook what other fish could I add to the tank because all the fish get along together though the all the fish know to stay out of the green terrors way Check my math, a 120 gal, 25" tall tank draining 2" off the top is 120/25*2 = 9.6 gal overflow capacity required. GT's grow slowly and this will allow you time to either upgrade or find a better home for him. there lucky to hit 10" females only get to about 8" i still say its fine as long as there are no other tank mates. I'm lucky to have a local fish shop that mostly specializes in cichlids. You are using an out of date browser. I read that removing the Convict and JD out of the tank and rearranging it would help?? I must be finding bad information than, when I was looking them up there were a few that had an adult size of 5" listed. How Many Can Be Kept Per Gallon? Be careful of the peacocks you get some are quite large, I don't know of any that stay under 6 inches! I find the advice of a 40 gal, or even a 75 gal misleading, especially to new cichlid keepers. When I talked to the guy working there, he suggested for my 40 gallon that I should get all males (to avoid hybridization) and approximately 12 for a 40 gallon tank to overstock them and prevent fighting. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. i never see full grown GTs for sale, if i did, i would snag it in a second. I already have a 75 with my 2 Oscars and the space left available would only allow me for the 55 gallon or one more 75 gallon. I have a 36 bowfront and i wanted to get a JD but my fish store was out. Most 80-gallon aquariums have room along the back for two Penguin 350B Filters, and this is sort of the minimum set up for Green Terrors. The small electric yellow cichlids (3 inches) will be happy in a 30 gallon tank, whereas the larger blue cichlids (8 inches) are better off in a 50 gallon tank. I had my cichlids in a 30 yet have on the grounds that moved them to a 40..yet I certainly have convicts,jewels and a few greater..your set up seems effective yet i actually do no longer think of putting tiger barbs in would be a powerful thought in any respect on the grounds that they are actually not usually compatiable with the different fish. Now i didn't read anywhere in the thread that said he was going to get a F0 GT or a gold saum. he would have ample time to either upgrade or trade it in. As you may know (depending on who's read my recent threads), I'm considering a change with my 55 gallon tank. MFK Member. GT's grow slowly and this will allow you time to either upgrade or find a better home for him. The older the fish is, the higher are chances that it’ll treat small fishes as feed. I was thinking about getting a couple convicts for my cycled 40 gallon tank. Come join the discussion about collections, displays, product reviews, accessories, classifieds, breeding, health, behavior, housing, care, and more! they were about 3 inches and i fit a pair of green terrors into a 36, it was a squeeze but it worked...they bred and my male started eating the fry so i put him in my 29 gal community tank....i REALLY dont like him in there but i had no … A true community tank for South American cichlids will likely be 80+ gallons. This forum is for freshwater fish tank journals. ... (72"x36'3"24) and we had a dempsey, green terror, oscar, red devil, and a flowerhorn in there, they got along fine. Best 40 Gallon Fish Tanks is not what you would certainly describe as a large fish tank, yet it absolutely has sufficient area for larger fish as well as an excellent amount of plant life as well as attractive pieces.. I know that 50+ is recommended but the ones at my LFS can't be more then 3" so I have some time to upgrade. GTs are way too agressive to keep in a tank that size and males can and often do reach a size of 12 inches or more. Assuming I sold the Texas cichlid I would be able to home the jd and gt only in the 55 I … Saved by Ashley Nelson. PS:My 40 gallon tank at the moment is heavily planted, i have about 4 bunch of java ferns, huge clump of java mosses altogether, and 3 chain swords. Green Terror Tank Mates You may not get big money for the babies but they are very popular so it should be easy to move them. If we are talking about the Gold Saum green terror, IMO 75 gallon at the smallest. 22. A fifty gallon is fine for a Green terror. African Cichlid Facts. David and Victoria Beckham 'get the green light to build super wine cellar housing 7,000 bottles' under their $8million Cotswolds home Amanda Bynes the singer! Picked up yet another green terror a male of course only about 2" long. 30 to 40 gallons can be used for a single species tank, particularly if they’re kept in pairs. I agree with Juan, I would'nt put a Green Terror in a 50 gallon. if it was'nt for my oscar i would have never upgraded. I'm lucky to have a local fish shop that mostly specializes in cichlids. i think it would be stupid to tell this kid he cant have a green terror when he could manage one for a long time without issue. I'm lucky to have a local fish shop that mostly specializes in cichlids. Vote Now - January 2021 Pet of the Month contest, Tank of the Month, 40 Gallon Aquarium Home Aquarium Aquarium Ideas Tropical Fish Aquarium Aquarium Fish Tank Planted Aquarium Animal Habitats Aquascaping Freshwater Fish. JavaScript is disabled. Last edited: Sep 27, 2017 A GT will be comfortable in a 40gal for quite some time. This will give them swimming room. (all will start out the same size, about a 40-55 gal tank, plenty of … But you can find them in other places too, like Madagascar, southern Asia, and even tropical parts of the Americas. They have spawned numerous times over the years. eg. I have one. Thank you! At the least you want a tank at least 4ft (48 inches) long and at least 1 ft (12 inches) wide. 1x Green terror 1x Convict 1x Firemouth 1x Keyhole 1x Rainbow 12x Giant Danio The tank is a juwel rio 300 (350litre/90gallons,please google the dimensions) You could even keep one ina 40 gallon breeder tank.. This means a 40 gal needs to be a maximum of 3/4 full so approx 12" deep. hi Newfie....Oshawa huh....im in Whitby...small world...as for the green terror...im not 2 sure as ive never owned one...but im sure theres plenty of people on here who can help ya out! I love cichlids, and house everything from Angelfish to Red Devils, Convicts and Oscars to Green Terrors and Red Terrors. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen. African Cichlid Facts. He has a 125 gallon tank with a 7 inch red dragon flowerhorn, 5 inch Texas, 8 inch red devil and 2 jewels. Hey everyone I was wondering if any of you had any input ad to how long I could comfortably house a GT in a 35 gallon. No, I wouldn't be able to home the gt in a 75 and the jd in a 55. vip I have to strongly disagree with you about the size that you state as being the max. Its body is a greenish white with many electric blue spots on the chin area. See more ideas about aquarium, 125 gallon aquarium, fish tank. And is it a good idea to have two male convicts in wih the jd or green terror? A longer video of my fish tank. Health Question - White Spot on Betta’s Head? Pretty good buddies so far. It doesn't look like my local fish shop has the one Dale suggested, BUT, they do have a very similar one, Pseudotropheus lombardoi, where the males are blue and the females are yellow. Anyways, my pacu went on a rampage the other day and killed both my Oscars, figuring she would be next due to her small size I moved her to a 5 gallon tank where she's been since. thanks guys for your replies.i have not got one yet just doing some research on them first.small world indeed digital run. The Jack Dempsey and Convict don't seem to get along but they get along with the Green Terror's??? not zebras i already have them. do you think a green terror, jack dempsey, and an oscar can live together ok? If I see that anything is wrong, I will put one in the 29 Gallon :) Here is the Story of my JD.I was at pet supplies plus in Chicago browsing the fish. The Green Terror is a beautifully marked cichlid. 3 electric blues (1 male 2 females), 5 electric yellows, (2m 3 fem) 3 crimson tides ( 1m ,2 fem), tell me medium sized fish like the ones ive mentioned above To remove hormones and keep water quality high, I tend to do 30-40% minimum every other day. Nice looking fish.I liked the Eureka Jake red(page 1),the red top lawanda,the ngara flametail,Rubenscens red and the albino diamond red.Just what cught my eye. Grimes 15 gallon rimless mixed reef with added pest algae Equipment: AquaOne AquaNano 40, 15 Gallon AquaOne Nanoskim 40 Stock heater (55w) and pump Fluval SEA Nano LED Jebao wp 10 wavemaker - replacing with an AI Nero 3. I just wasn't sure if it was against the rules to share a link to a site that sells fish.. lol. A forum community dedicated to Aquarium owners and enthusiasts. ? Contests including the Tank of the Month, belive me I have tried it and it wasn't pretty with the smaller mota while more agressive got the living piss kicked out of him. thankx Green spotted puffer size may be up to 15 cm (6 in). most Cichlids from lake Tanganyika do stay around 5 inches when full grown so if your looking for something that size then look there Malawi Cichlids can grow large. You can see the Brown Knife and smaller Green Terror for a few seconds. Photo #1 - 40 Gallon(tall) - (1)green Terror(hulk),(1)yellow... freshwater fish - pseudotropheus estherae - red zebra cichlid stocking in 40 gallons tank - more pics … Sometimes people will get lucky and have a somewhat docile green terror, flowerhorn, Red Devil and so on and they may take well to tank mates. Apr 13, 2019 607 418 72 40 Pennsylvania. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! for a perminate home for a GT you are looking at a tank of at least 75 gallons this not only gives them room for their size but for their agressiveness. Fish Information for African Cichlids - Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, West African Cichlids, and Dwarf Cichlids including cichlid care, cichlid breeding, and fish diseases. I'm getting a 75 gallon soon, and one fish I'm decibetkt getting is the GT. You can keep one Cichlid for every 35 gallons. When I talked to the guy working there, he suggested for my 40 gallon that I should get all males (to avoid hybridization) and approximately 12 for a 40 gallon tank to overstock them and prevent fighting. Saved by Ashley Nelson. PS:My 40 gallon tank at the moment is heavily planted, i have about 4 bunch of java ferns, huge clump of java mosses altogether, and 3 chain swords. Assuming I sold the Texas cichlid I would be able to home the jd and gt only in the 55 I already have set up or buy a 75 for them both. 22. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A longer video of my fish tank. There are over 1,300 species of cichlids—most of which dwell in Lake Malawi in Africa. Im not against giving cichlids space, hell, i have 1 oscar and 1 green severum in a 150 gallon, thats it. You can see the Brown Knife and smaller Green Terror for a few seconds. I have a 40 gallon breeder now that I made a cichlid tank, and am upgrading to a 75 (maybe a 90) soon once I can get the room made for it. If asking for help like this outer links are perfectly ok! 1355 Gallon FW - 112 African Cichlid (not a one is "assorted") - 3 Carpintas Cichlid - 6 Dalmation Mollys - 2 Lyonsi Cichlid - 2 Zonatus Cichlid - 2 Bifasciatus Cichlid - 2 Green Terror Cichlid - 10 black lyra tail Mollys. Now that you’ve chosen your tank size, there are a few other considerations to ponder before you start building it into an aquarium. I have a 40 gallon breeder now that I made a cichlid tank, and am upgrading to a 75 (maybe a 90) soon once I can get the room made for it. You must log in or register to reply here. I have a 40 gal tank with 1 Black Convict 1 Jack Dempsey and 2 Green Terror's with plenty of hiding places, all 4 fish are about the same size. I already have a 75 with my 2 Oscars and the space left available would only allow me for the 55 gallon or one more 75 gallon. No, I wouldn't be able to home the gt in a 75 and the jd in a 55. When I talked to the guy working there, he suggested for my 40 gallon that I should get all males (to avoid hybridization) and approximately 12 for a 40 gallon tank to overstock them and prevent fighting. here is a link to an old post that I made when I was thinking of getting my GT, has some helpful info but not alot about tank size, how ever VIP since Jeff Rapps is pretty much the only person to bring in true Green Terrors, and those aren't even in yet I would be very hesitant to guess as to that it is a true rivulatus. 75 gallons for one green terror seems a bit excessive. I've had her for 4 years, she lost her tail in a fight 3+ years ago and is therefore only about 4 inches long if you're generous. Planted Tank and Aquarium discussion forum. While I was looking I saw what appeared to be a Jack Dempsey in a tank full of Green Terrors. monster mac 40 gallon breeder - Your Tanks. Use this as a guide to judge the best tank size for your species, remembering that a larger tank is always best and will reduce aggression. $300. can you keep a green terror in a 40 gal tank. Check out the FishForums.net Monthly love to see some nice peacocks! After even more thinking, what do you guys think of me maybe getting 2 males and 8 females all of the same species instead of 12 males? We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. 19 minutes ago; jkkgron2 Freshwater Aquarium Journals. Jkkgron2’s 20-40 gallon shell dweller build. Photo #1 - 40 Gallon(tall) - (1)green Terror(hulk),(1)yellow... freshwater fish - pseudotropheus estherae - red zebra cichlid stocking in 40 gallons tank - more pics of my community tank Submitted By: vito on 12/27/2008 One of my top ideas is doing a tank with a "wet pet" theme, meaning a large fish (probably a cichlid) with a lot of personality. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. impur you if you had actually followed the link provided you would have found that in the US that it is impossible to get an actual green terror. The more space you can give to this fish the better, as with spacious tanks its aggressive temperament decreases. Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. FishForums.net is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! 12 is a good number for a 40, and all males is good so they dont breed. Jul 8, 2020 - Explore Bob Balliu's board "125 Gallon aquarium" on Pinterest. Sometimes people will get lucky and have a somewhat docile green terror, flowerhorn, Red Devil and so on and they may take well to tank mates. Although I've been keeping cichlids for about 5 decades, at the moment I do not have a GT, although I do keep its close cousin, Andinoacara coerleopunctatus, having two breeding pairs in a 180 gal tank. "I've macrostoma tastes on a veiltail budget. the answer is not only no but ABSOLUTLY NOT!!!!! i got another 40 gallon tank what african cichlids should i keep in it and how many. I've sold some of their young, gifted some to friends, donated some to the local LFS, fed some to my other fish, and am currently raising some of their fry in a 40 gallon breeder. Go for it! Better is a 100, 120, 150, or 200-gallon aquarium with as many Penguin 350B Filters as will fit across the back. i started off with a 55 gallon tank, and way too many cichlids, but i upgraded. Guess it depends on the fish . Here is a breakdown of all the important parameters and aquarium hardware needed to keep your Jack Dempsey healthy and happy. But there’s more than aquarium size to consider when keeping large cichlids like Jack Dempsey fish. Planted Tank and Aquarium discussion forum. 70 gallon aquarium (48"x20"x18") and custom made steel stand, super strong. A GT will be comfortable in a 40gal for quite some time. 40 Gallon Aquarium Home Aquarium Aquarium Ideas Tropical Fish Aquarium Aquarium Fish Tank Planted Aquarium Animal Habitats Aquascaping Freshwater Fish. but hey you are right 75 gallon tanks are a big excessive, and by no means would they take an enitre 75 gallon tank for themselves, however if you can find wher I said that only one GT had to go into a 75 gallon tank I would like to see that but there is absolutly no way in heck that a GT should ever be considered for a 40 gallon tank. I think 2" is quite a lot for safety margins, I don't expect to fill it that high as I won't need the 1400 GPH, maybe more like 1000 GPH. i was on the fence between JD and GT so i got a pair of green terrors. 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