This can often lead to calf cramps during a run or a generalized achy feeling in the calves after running. If there were ever a predictable running method to stress the calf muscles, it would be a forefoot initial contact style, particularly if the runner doesn’t allow the heel to reach the ground after making contact. Running Technique. I’ve dealt with the same calf issues. The injury starts as my calf tightens up usually when running up steep hills. Ice the area and increase the mileage slowly. These limps become habitual both in running and in walking and can cause problems in areas such as the lower back. Begin with a set of 10 jumps on the spot. Make this your best training season yet! Just signed up for the same January marathon I injured myself in. Elevation also helps prevent the blood from pooling in your feet, thus working to reduce inflammation as well. Dynamic Calf & Achilles Warm-Up For Running. However, if your calf pain has become chronic, isolated, or is prohibiting you from running, taking steps towards recovery is necessary. Signs and symptoms of this type of less serious strain may not be noticed until cessation of the activity. I think that I beckoned the fasciitis with summer lunchtime basketball in old running shoes. Following the same methodology as that used when progressing through the jumps program: perform these dynamic motions as hops – preventing the body from compensating through using the uninvolved leg. I have stopped running for the last month and 3 times a week I have been performing squats, lunges and a series of other stretches and exercises to help loosen my gluteus up too. Place a lacrosse ball on the floor and rest your calf on top of it. Coach Nate digs into this popular question that we get on a regular basis. Simply roll the ankle on of the tight calf in both directions. I think it was from the overtaxing of my calf muscles; too much pushing off with toes for too long and at such a fast pace. Any hope out there? I also push against a wall, one leg forward, one back. Here are the most common causes. I have no idea if this is a strain or just a bit of an ache. I am looking for advice from some body I can trust to help or the names of people that I can maybe speak to for help. Chronically sore calves might be a sign that your hips are weak or inactive on the run. Self-massage before and after your long runs can help prime the muscle for running … This cycle repeated for about a year and a half. My belief was that pulling the lower leg through a step was not supported through the knee. Be careful not to rush the stretch on each side, and try to stretch this area on a regular basis. Never massage to the point of pain, though. I believe that doing the hops and jumps to improve elasticity and strength might help me to return to running and hopefully be able to train at a level where I can do longer races again likes PIkes Peak or the la Luz trail run. Good Luck!! Another cause of calf pain during and after a run is dehydration. Repeat this maintaining alignment of the knee. The specific cause for calf muscle pain from running usually varies depending on the severity of the pain. Check out James' marathon training plan for beginners [PDF]. Luckily, it's easy to treat. I have a problem when playing soccer as soon as I burst off into speed I immediately pull my inner calves . As the calf complex is loaded, a portion of the load is taken by the elastic properties of the achilles tendon, sharing the load with the calf muscles. While it may be a little uncomfortable, it usually indicates that your body is adjusting to the new activity. I have had several years where I get these calf injuries which really keep me from training like I would like. Thinking a cramp I pulled off at a loo and water stop to unload and then load. After reading your site info and the letters from other athletes I feel like I am not alone. One of the best pieces of advice I have found is at the following link; Even the slightest change, such as slouching or overstriding, could place more strain on your calf muscles. One way to avoid and treat calf pain after running is to give your calf muscles a pampering massage. While all this has me feel better, my calf strains are still occurring. The calf and the achilles tendon act as one dynamic structure during motion. Experiencing sore calves after running is common for new and experienced runners alike. For this group, the problem often stems from biomechanical problems in which the foot strikes the ground unevenly and p… It’s Wednesday now and I am able to make a ginger range of motions through a step, but I dare not step on my toes yet! If you need any suggestions re who to go and see physio-wise, drop me an email . This is sometimes referred to as a partial calf tear. I’ll stay in shape swimming and biking, but I am neither a swimmer or biker and fell like “a fish out of water” doing both these activities. The stretching should last 10-15 minutes, focusing on the major muscle groups (quads, hamstrings, calves, and hips) as well as anything that is nagging or felt sore on the run. It was so frustrating that I looked into a sports specialist who ran test and an mri and found no tear. Some leg pain after running — known as delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) — is common, particularly if you're a beginner. Try a few things and see what recipe works for you. Secondly, the best thing I’ve done was go to a sports therapist and get a deep tissue massage on the knots. Often bruising will appear below the tear site and there may well be a palpable bulge where the calf muscle has recoiled upon itself. The stabbing pain and especially the knot sound like symptoms of grade 3 strain from what I read. The severity of the pain will vary depending on the extent to which you are dehydrated. A good running specialist physio will be able to give you a thorough assessment and diagnosis of the root problem. I ran cautiously through the year, listened to my body, and ended a run if something didn’t feel right. Yesterday, I did my "easy run" in an attempt to exercise without burdening the legs too much. A couple things I found that helped me out. Jumps with the rope on one or both legs reproducing the Pose stance are good as well. I never saw a doctor for my calf issue. After very long rides and runs I will sit in a cold tub of water filled with 4-6 trays of ice for :15. How to Relieve Sore Calves. I feel it is probably partly from an imbalance and or weakness with too much tightness. I had knee issues when I tried to run too fast in 2013. Like all runners I’m in a state of acute frustration. Once you’ve discovered the cause of your pain, it’s important to learn how to rid or reduce the soreness while it is occurring. Calf pain can result from a number of causes, including overworking the muscle, cramps, and foot conditions. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you. Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Kass on calves sore from running: Possibly learn some stretches for your legs, but don't be overaggressive. These exercises also enable the body to regain its sense of balance which will have been lost on the injured side during the injury period. I was sent to a physical therapy center that handled athletes of all calibers. More immediate localised calf pain is present during activity, especially walking and running. Look forward to you reply thanks Tom Kirchgessner old washed up endurance athlete. Required fields are marked *. Total rupture. To begin with, let’s take a look at some of the common reasons why the calf muscles become overloaded in distance runners, resulting in calf pain and injury. Should You Still Workout With Sore Calf Muscles?. Try starting with just a couple of strategies and gradually adding more to your running routine. I actually looked about to see if a stray golf ball wasn’t bouncing away from my leg. Muscle imbalances can be particularly challenging to identify, as runners often compensate for the weakness without even realizing it. However, it can also indicate an underlying medical issue, including deep vein thrombosis or diabetic neuropathy. …Oh yeah, I changed my gait. Maybe all the biking and uphill fast hiking have kept my calves too tight or weak for the running motion and eccentric contractions that they have to take when running up steep mountain trails and of course downhill as well. I have been seen by a number of sports therapists and followed their plans with no joy and I have even managed to get an MRI scan on my calf that shows no sign of damage? Both swore that massage therapy had been the key to their recovery. Skipping out on a warm up before your run means that you are getting started when your muscles are cold and tight. Make a point to include a dynamic warm up in your running routine. I like you decided to try forefoot running after my physio spoke of the POSE method of running. I didn’t see any doctors for the injury. If your calf ever begins to feel sore, or starts to tighten, stop. So, thanks James for posting such helpful information online. The athlete will be unable to walk pain free. Your email address will not be published. It seems to provide a pretty sound way back into running. Once improvements have been made in single leg strength and balance, low-level plyometric exercises may be re-introduced as a precursor to running. If you’re currently struggling with calf pain caused by running, I hope the info I have to share in the article will help you treat your calf injury more effectively, and get you back to running as soon as possible. Pushing the rear heel into the ground, a strong calf stretch should be felt in the rear leg. Stand on the round side of a Bosu ball, or flip to the flat side if you’re advanced, and complete a regular squat while maintaining balance. Certain techniques tend to stress certain tissues more over time - that is neither bad nor good. After several minutes it will hurt like a sharp pain in the middle of the calf. I was walking along a fairly level stretch having just skinned up alongside a piste. The stronger these muscles can become, the more likely a successful outcome is to be reached both in terms of injury recovery and subsequent performance. While minor soreness can certainly be expected for new runners or those increasing intensity, chronic calf soreness is a sign that something might be off. I guess we are all a bit different. As mentioned before, overtraining is often the cause of shin splints and sore calves. How do I stop my calves from hurting after I run? I know I could still be very good in my age group if I could just train harder and run say 50 miles a week again like when I WAS YOUNGER. You are describing shin splints. Would either of those be related to the calf inury? My calves have flared up again, but I seem to be able to control it and minimimse the damage a bit now. Learning how to treat sore calves after running will help you reduce the pain and prevent it from affecting your training for any length of time. After continuous, slow, steady progress throughout the whole of 2014, in January 2015 I ran a 3:20 marathon. Spending even just 5 minutes loosening your muscles will help avoid heading out for a run when your muscles are cold. I was probably right in my analysis, but not in my solution. Cycling does not generally appear to aggravate the calf, so I do more cycling than I did in the past as well. Soreness after a challenging activity like stair climbing is normal, although pain in your muscles can signal a strain. On quite a few occasions over the last years I have experienced a stabbing pain in the same spot during a run and again many times I have felt a tightening coming on and have had to pull up short and had to limp home which tends to last a few days. This is a really informative article thanks. Even the slightest change, such as slouching or overstriding, could place more strain on … Sore calves are a normal part of workouts like cycling, running and playing sports. I run 10-15 miles per week now and just finished my first sprint distance duathlon. Obviously worlds away from the doomsday outlook I had this past January. I have had a few periods of a couple of months rest with no running and it’s the same story on returning. I took a couple days off and tried at it again with no luck. A good month or two went by with no issues. Stretching is good after running only. Hi I am a mountain runner who is now 56 years old I also cross country ski and bike ride to keep in shape. Regardless of whether your calf soreness is near the top of your calf muscle or bottom, spending a few minutes stretching your Achilles region in your post-run cooldown is a great way to prevent tightness throughout the muscle. Perhaps do :15 on a stationary bike to warm up before each run. If stretching and self-massage do not cause any pain, you might benefit from adding a lacrosse ball to your recovery efforts. If you suffer from calf pain after running, stick around as I’m going to show you some exercises to get you running again pain free. Most people will experience tightness before a run which eases as they begin to hit their stride. Your running stride may be off, perhaps you need to shorten your stride. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) will go away on its own after a few days, but there are ways to help speed up the process. And the more overworked that muscle is, the more likely it is to seize up towards the end of a long run. I have been doing calf raises on the stairs 3 times a day for the last 2 weeks and my calfs do feel a touch stronger. Balancing on one leg, flex at the hip, knee and the ankle performing a mini squat keeping the knee aligned with the first two toes, then return to the standing position. I have a constant point top left of my left calf that feels like a knot that is sore when pressure is applied and hasn’t disappeared for over a year now. If your calf pain is more than an occasional soreness or tightness, it’s a sign that you need to take some time off. I have been suffering from a repetitive calf injury for a number of years now and it is really getting me down ,just the thought of another triathlon season getting closer and not being able to complete any sort of regular running is a nightmare. Start standing with the heels hanging off a step, with your body weight supported on the balls of the feet. NOW I KNOW BETTER. Please let me know if you found anything that helped Marc or ANYONE on here. I usually get up to maybe 4 or 5 mile runs several times a week then it seems I began to have problems. By May 2014 I was very cautiously optimistic. Often a poor warm-up is cited as a reason why runners suffer calf pain and injury. An example might be when trying to switch to a mid or forefoot strike in order to avoid shin splints; doing so too quickly might cause your calves to feel unusually tight. If you are experiencing minor, yet consistent calf soreness during or after a run, take a look at your warm up. I quickly re-injured it despite my attempts to be as gradual as possible. Doing this will improve blood flow and relieve pain. I had been a casual runner and duathlete for several years when I suffered a Grade 2 calf strain. This is because, although gravity helps move your body forward when traveling downhill, your quads end up absorbing more impact than they do while traveling on flat surfaces. Now take into account that for every mile we run we take in the region of 1500 strides. I began to alternate running and swimming before this. How to Prevent Calf Pain when Forefoot Running >>, marathon training plan for beginners [PDF], Calf Strains: When Sore Muscles Just Don’t Go Away | Sally Andersen Fitness, It occurs in February or March after I’ve had a layoff and then start running again. Sore calves after running, advice? I think it gave me a lot of control to accelerate as needed and demanded the least energy to keep me going. A sure way to re-injure the muscle is to do too much too soon at this stage. It was very much as Cesar had described with tightening and the nail driving. Tightness, cramping feelings and slight soreness are common when the muscle is stretched. Flushes out the toxins and contracts any inflamed muscles. But the following article appears interesting. Minimum should be 90. How to Treat Sore Legs After Running | … The stretching and post run fueling should begin within 25-30 minutes of finishing your run. He offered no real useful advice…and said the waiting list to see a National Health Service physio was 6-8 weeks so I’d best go private! So, don’t believe all you here about our wonderful free health service. Once I’m on the mend I’ll have a whole new regime of exercises to look forward to…thanks to this website (and a few others). Tight calves after running can lead to painful injuries, but basic calf soreness is normal. Slight variations in running form such as hunching forward, heel striking or even forefoot striking might be the cause of your calf pain. Even slight variations in shoes can lead to lasting differences in foot strike, stride and overall form. Often the area is sore to touch. For additional benefit, elevate your foot by propping the ankle on the edge of a surface, such as a bar or stool edge, so the foot is suspended in the air. Home » Blog » Running Injuries » How to Treat Calf Pain After Running. I have seen dozens of proposed remedies and I’m not sure if there are any silver bullets. If this pain appears and disappears within a few days, it’s most likely to be Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). I’m sure that with time spent working on these exercises and other similar rehab routines, you will get back to running without calf pain. Most of us appreciate the necessity for a thorough running warm-up, but of course we often learn the hard way! And anyone else reading this who thinks I’m a: “Dick Head”. Warming up? During these times I was blessed enough to NEVER have ANY injuries. I have tried everything from the exercises to stretching and even yoga. UGH! Pain in the calf muscles during and after running may indicate any number of injuries, many of which are related to over-training. No knots or bruising though. Sorry to hear about the ongoing agony you have been experiencing. Increase in salt, I take salt tablets as I sweat a lot and when your low on salt you tend to cramp up. A small number of muscle fibres have been damaged within the muscle. I get deep tissue massage every 2 weeks.. Often it’s the lower hamstring that’s really tight and when massaged it loosens everything. One of the more common injuries resulting in calf pain after running is a calf strain or a tear. Then a gradual return to exercise undertaken. With one foot far in front of the other, and hands pushing on the wall, keep the rear leg straight and flex the front knee. Some runners find that attempting to improve their running form causes their calves to feel sore or tight. Hope that helps. After a few runs I always get a massive ache down the inside of my left calf, running along my shin bone. I am trying to figure out why. A great way to promote blood flow and encourage the removal toxins is self-massage. I thought my running life was over. Hi runnit, I'm currently training for my first half-marathon. Hi Marc Add a few single leg squats to your weekly strength training workout. Why Do I Get Sore Calf Muscles After Running? I assume it’s that my left calf is weaker than my right. Being 5,000 ft up on a mountainside – on my own – with the lifts closed suddenly made me feel what an idiot I’d been venturing out alone.. As I side-slipped down the mountainside I’d plenty of time to think…and reflect on my past “tough man” mountain philosophy…. The pain would eventually move to the inside of the calf and stay soar for a day or so. Looking at my toes and knee cap being 12 o’clock on my left leg a nail seemed to be stabbed into my calf at 4 or 5 o’clock any time I tried to load my toes during a step. But it's the next day and they haven't become any better. If you are dealing with chronic calf pain, take some time off your feet to rest. I still battle the inflammation, but it’s improved. As a side note, I did see a physical therapist for plantar fasciitis last fall. Having been on this planet a fair time – I saw nothing wrong in packing just half-a-litre of water in my day pack. Prior to running I do active stretches, which are basically marching in place for about 30 seconds. No more orange holes in the snow…apologies if that too much information . I believe it to be completely unrelated to the calf issue. The advice above is also pretty sound I think. Most runners understand the importance of stretching before and after a run – however, many mistakenly spend their time stretching incorrectly. No idea why it happens. Any idea how to fix it? I play soccer and do body building and train calves I’m eager to get some other exercise in and was hoping to get on my road bike. Changes in running form. If none of these issues seem to be the cause of your calf soreness, it might be worth assessing your running form and muscular strength on a deeper level. This simple exercise helps promote proper foot strike and landing during a run to avoid sore calves afterwards. I’ve written elsewhere in this website about a common pattern I see in runners where poor hip function leads to ‘calf overload’: Another common pattern I see is where runners suffer calf injuries when trying to rush the process of adapting to forefoot running too quickly. The pain was acute. This simple exercise is a great way to help loosen the calves without having to stretch or massage on your own. I am 51 yo and have an almost identical story to yours. I had a lovely 8 month period with no calf issues at all follwing this. In late 1998 I gave a kidney to my father and few months later saw the birth of my son. A few months ago, I located a therapist near my residence and it has been absolutely amazing. I still have to watch it closely but did Ironman WI and made it through. In my 2014 recovery I stayed off of my toes in my stride as much as I could. Incorporating some of these activities into your regular running routine will not only help ease lingering calf soreness, but it will help prevent it from occurring again in the future. Calf pain after an injury is expected but runners often complain of calf soreness with no history of trauma to the area. My injury manta is Don’t Press Your Luck! Then slowly introduce changes of direction and more aggressive changes of pace. It’s easy to overdo it when you’re just starting out or have been longing to get back to your normal routine, say, after an injury. Running, though mostly beneficial, can strain areas of the body, and, in some cases, can cause sore calves. It is also important to note that as we age, these elastic properties of the tendons in general diminish – thus accounting for the increased occurrence of calf strains in the more senior of our athletic population. Hey guys, just to give a little background I have been lifting weight for two years, but I have recently been getting into running for general health benefits. Running is a high-impact activity that places repetitive stress on the calf muscles. The following exercises will help you build strength and stability to prevent calf pain after running. Take the time now to help relieve your calf soreness and before you know it, it’ll be a thing of the past. Muscular strains and tears are classified according to their severity in terms of how many fibres have been disrupted or ruptured. In my experience, the hips and calves are so closely linked – I’d suggest going to see a physio as a priority, rather than a sports massage therapist. Calves are sore after running? All the muscle fibres have been torn, losing continuity throughout the muscle. Be sure to stretch on both sides, even if only one is sore or tight. Well, I’d be the first to agree!! I hope these accounts come as a benefit to someone. Jump to summer of 2004 and the Olympics and I caught the bug again. Oh, and I’ll be monitoring my fluid intake etc., too! Muscle imbalances in areas besides the hips might be causing your body to overcompensate by placing more stress on your calves when running. Ice the area to help reduce inflammation, and compress (only when comfortable) to promote blood flow for healing. Treatment of most calf injuries is initially much the same as that of any soft tissue injury. I too have been training/doing sprint tri’s but cannot do anything longer due to repetitive calf strains/pulls. Running downhill may feel easy — especially after climbing the incline portion — but many runners are surprised at how sore their quads are the next day. Understanding where your soreness stems from can help you decide whether to push it for another workout, or whether your body needs a break. You might find that you get tight calves after exercising, or you might get sore calf muscles from walking on new terrain (like the beach).Whatever the culprit is for your soreness or tightness, here are a few tips to help you relieve sore calves right away. To understand the science behind why calves get so sore, especially after the first race of the season, it’s important to first understand the different type of contractions a muscle can produce. 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