B) His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family. B) TPS a mechanistic approach to organizing is used Firms should do all of these things to balance the conflicting demands of being agile in a dynamic environment EXCEPT: Create a culture of complacency to counter the dynamic environment Use good change management processes Identify communication needs A) Copyright law E) balance sheet. Q. Analysis of life stages[1] is part of financial planning. A) product differentiation On top of achieving immediate results, this also opens the door for even more powerful improvements at every step. Macon is clearly operating with the use of a(n) ________ budget. D) tasks, technology, people, and structure. A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by having: What is the dominant approach for budgeting used today? C) "I am so glad that job is over. Enterprise environmental factors refer to both internal and external environmental factors that surround or influence a project's success. D) capital expenditures budget When a cookie is created during a website visit, it is stored: B) making more products available. B) Improved decision making C) Compare performance to standards. 2 It focuses strictly on observable behavior, not thought and emotion. Then, researchers became more interested in the internal processes that affect behavior instead of just the behavior itself. Finally, be sure to stay at arms length to provide guidance and assistance, and to keep team members motivated as you implement the change. That said, you ultimately want to get to a point where everyone is naturallyoperating to their highest capacity. D) Competitive advantage But, when things are running well enough, it can be hard to notice when processes arent running as optimally as they could be. Which of the following is a private corporate network extended to authorized users outside the organization? C) A bookseller selling an e-book reader that reads only the bookseller's books. A) communicating B) globalizing C) cooperating D) organizing E) influencing D) organizing Productivity equals A) labor, capital, energy, and materials, divided by goods and services produced. A) strategy Which of the following is a primary function of management? E) violation of a monopoly on the ideas behind a product. A) feed-forward control. Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies. E) Stop by everyone's cubicles often and ask to see their work, so they know you are still part of the team. Without adhering to such regulations a company can be fined extensively which if it was bad enough could cause the company to shut down. E) radical innovation and continuous improvement. E) They are decentralizing decision making. Mistletoe Corporation has a detailed set of organizational goals and management information system that delivers timely and accurate information. C) employee turnover rates A) In digital firms, time shifting and space shifting are the norm. B) Reengineering Computer abuse refers to acts involving a computer that may not be illegal but are considered unethical. C) management and leadership. As well discuss, improving your bottom line is the main reason youd decide to improve a process in the first place. D) efficient. A) evaluating the firm's internal and external situation. As mentioned, standardizing your core processes will eventually make these processes second nature to your team. Internal business processes can be categorized as formal or informal. B) economic value added The follower is not a passive player in the leadership process. D) Manufacturing and production E) HIPPA. A(n) ________ represents the profits or losses incurred by an organization. He is meeting with a head hunter later in the week. True or False. B) manufacturing quality A) operational A) evaluating budget-to-actual variances Techniques for improving quality include all of the following EXCEPT E) ethical. B) It helps to communicate corporate strategy to all members of the organization. Examples of external factors include the following: Technology innovations and changes; Competition; Economic trends; Government policies and legislation A) Remind them you are now the boss and ask to be copied on everything. E) They require controls at many different points. Charging less for superior products A) market share E) too much flexibility. It asks for delivering existing products and services to best meet the needs of customers. E) matrix, At Hamilton Hardware, employees were asked how the quality of the company's customer service could best be measured, and management then implemented a survey system based on the feedback. Start by looking at things from the top down. B) creating educational opportunities for management. Hence basic needs and security needs have the power to motivate a consumer to buy products and services. D) to establish the normal or desired performance with upper and lower limits E) requires more time from managers than zero-based budgeting. The supervisor is doing which step of the control process? B) Computer chip D) people orientation and improvement orientation. E) graphic interface, A(n) ________ budget allocates increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point. Which of the following is part of Deming's PDCA cycle? Once youve adopted the new process in its optimal form, you can then solidify the change within your internal documentation and knowledge base. Vivian has just been promoted to management after years of working at the company. A) measurement of quantifiable goals and quick corrections. A(n) ________ budget allocates resources on the basis of a single estimate of costs. C) quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. B) Human resources C) the reduction in travel times and the ubiquity of global exchange and travel. They kept us so isolated that we never even met the clients." Provide the journal entry to admit Asad. B) customer satisfaction Cliche as it may be, theres a ton of truth to the old moving parts metaphor. Our self-concept represents a major influence on how we perceive others. The internal business processes perspective of balanced scorecard were used to create new products, services, and processes. Using the above example, you can transform the basic goal of decreasing invoice errors by answering the following questions: On top of giving you clear goals to strive for, being this comprehensive will help you assess your improvement efforts over time. A) establishing standards These are factors that the company may be able influenceor at least anticipatebut not fully control. D) defect rates, 16) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include: (This is especially true of informal processes. Political (Citizen) Involvement. The purpose of knowledge base software is to allow you to host your knowledge base/corporate wiki in one centralized 'hub'. More than merely ironing things out and maintaining the status quo, you can actively look for ways to bring in even more cash and to do so in the most economic way possible. B) shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. D) an extranet. B) Take a learning orientation approach which engages in self-development. C) anonymous email. A) the distinction between tangible and intangible ideas. In addition, he . A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth. A) Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer. D) lowering transaction costs. C) overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches In other words, lean focuses on perfecting your current processes before you begin thinking of adding even more complexity to the mix. E) distribution and logistics, Current information technology innovations are creating new products and services while having no impact on existing businesses or industries. B) strategy map B) They are discovering irregularities and errors. Its these ongoing tasks that make your company what it is and that determine how successful your company can be. A) on the website's server. A) the CEO. The idea is that this more quantitative stance will lead to more consistent performance, which in turn leads to more stable and predictable results. Which of the following more closely aligns with a job versus a career? E) 1, 2, and 3. C) Survival A) e-commerce. Role Perception 5. B) customer perspective Which level of the organization is an ESS specifically designed to serve? C) Digital firms offer extraordinary opportunities for flexible global organization and management. E) Zero-based control. A) Musical compositions On the surface, this simply means taking whats not working and figuring out how to make it work. To maximize your BPI efforts, focus on what will have the strongest and longest-reaching impact on your business then keep paring away at the next challenge in front of you. C) Middle management Perception. As more and more stakeholders increasingly show interest in pollution and environmental degradation and the major impacts on the economic activities of organizations, it has become a necessity for organizations to move towards adopting sustainable business development. Edwin Hollander, after many years of studying leadership, suggested that the follower is the most critical factor in any leadership event. D) Quality can be improved on the basis of hard data. Information systems enhance core competencies by: q = p(r + s), for p. Which of the following statements about business processes is not true? A) strengthen ties to its customers. E) Companies should aim at improving the system. Simon's job involves On the hard drive of the visitor's computer. D) DSS In the beginning M&Ms were all brown; more recently they were produced in red, green, blue, orange, brown, and yellow. Note that, while some of these causes may be rather quick to fix, others may require a more formalized BPI approach, themselves. ii. D) encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units. E) Survival. A) ISO 9000. The internal environment. E) statistical process control. A) capturing. E) evidence-based management, Which of the following is NOT a perspective of the balanced scorecard? D) decentralized D) Artwork All of the following are technical solutions to protecting user privacy except: D) financial perspective Developed and managed internally, OPAs influence project planning, execution, and control. All of the following statements are true about information technology's impact on business firms except: In ________, raw data is systematically acquired and transformed during various stages that add value to that information. E) is limited by traditional organizational boundaries. The auditor accepts a referral of a new client from an existing client. The ________ function is responsible for identifying customers. As you go, note any discrepancies you discover, as this will give you a head start on future improvements. A strategy map helps employees to feel engaged because it shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. Consumer perception is a major factor that influences consumer behavior. C) organizing. He is distraught and anxious about how he will pay his bills and make ends meet. C) learning and growth perspective Motivation 2. D) Align processes with goals. Self-Concept. C) measurement management A process in which lower level managers anticipate their department's resource needs and pass them to top management for approval is called top-down budgeting. All of the following are new technology-related trends in MIS except: C) It will require new hires with new skill sets. C) ERP, SCM, DSS, and CRM. A) Kant's categorical imperative B) The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act D) financial perspective, 21) The number of complaints about a product is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: Once youre sure your documentation is accurate, you can then assess the process objectively and comprehensively. B) fewer suppliers. C) IoT. D) It uses nonfinancial measures to serve as leading indicators of future financial performance. Furthermore, you can also have your team get instant answers to the questions they need without having to email themselves all using knowledge base software. True or False, A ________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm. Formerly an engineer, Jared started working in UX in 1978, founded UIE (User Interface Engineering) in 1988, and has helped establish the field over the last 30 years. What appears to be occurring at the local level is that city and county managers and their legislative boards are increasingly using the budget to better understand how citizens, rather than internal participants, see government. B) P3P A) Long-range planning activities of senior management C. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors. People have many beliefs and behavioral tendenciessome controllable, some beyond our control. A) COPPA D) CTO The most effective type of personal influence to use when buy-in is required is: A. Interpersonal influence. D) local suppliers. B) percentage of processes with advanced controls E) innovation. True or False, Identifying customers is a business process handled by the human resources function. A) number of process improvements C) Only objective measures should be used and subjective measures should be avoided. A) market share E) managerial. E) efficiency. Evan accidentally quoted a customer a price for new flooring that was more than $1,000 less than the actual price. Acknowledge when there has been a previous breach of trust. King Power and Light has a goal of reducing its electric costs by installing solar panels on all of its building and supporting an increase of solar farms in the area. 28.The organization's processes and procedures for conducting project work during Executing, Monitoring, and Controlling include all of the following EXCEPT: A.Change control procedure. A) Operational E) The Internet increases switching costs. B) physical D) verifies that generally accepted accounting principles have been followed A) creating new opportunities for building loyal customer bases. The more variables you add to the mix, the harder it will be to measure the impact your efforts have on your operations. Internal business processes influence all of the following EXCEPT All of the following are steps in the process for analyzing an ethical issue except: Riter believes that continuously improving its manufacturing processes and having satisfied employees are critical to implementing its strategy. They also keep your team from using your companys resources to their fullest potential. E) Spyware, In relationship to total capital investments for organization, for the past 15 years Information technology capital investments have. C) mass customization C) reduced cycle time. C) a cycle using observed data for continuous improvement of operations E) the increased use of global currencies. Education influences health outcomes through ALL of the following mechanisms EXCEPT. "Since using Helpjuice, we've seen a lower AHT for our calls. The company has overcome which of the following barriers to success of control systems? D) sales and marketing E) customer, Examining how the organization looks to shareholders is part of which of the balanced scorecard perspectives? C) Spamming D) customer input into management strategy and decision making. D) to actually see the sequence of suppliers that contribute to a product C) multidimensional A) "My time there was time wasted. C) Solar energy B) Knowledge and data workers in an organization B) number of on-time deliveries B) Best practices He was now ready to assess his A) An intranet It addresses providing service and support to the customer after the sale. C) Internet shopping produces cost transparency. Charlotte is trying to measure her salon's productivity during the first quarter. E) too little participation. c. internal influences Hannah believes that Mac computers are better than Windows-based computers because they are not as vulnerable to computer viruses.This thinking or mental processes that Hannah is engaged in represents which psychological element? B) sales forecast That said, the initial focus of lean BPI is on removing friction while maintaining your current productivity levels. An internal process is any operation that takes place within your organization on behalf of your business, for business purposes. When describing Deming's principles to a colleague, which of the following would you NOT discuss? There are a number of subsets to lean BPI, such as kaizen, PDCA, and 5S. Now, youll need to set goals for your BPI initiative. D) manages data entry staff. D) process Which of the following is not one of the six strategic business objectives of information systems? All of the following describe the effects of globalization except: E) cultural, Some managers use ________, which provides four indicators with which organizations can set goals and measure performance. C) learning and growth perspective Depending on the situation, enabling your team may involve: You might need to let your team practice implementation of the new process before actually doing so. A) overemphasis on means instead of ends D) efficiency C) ero-based A) customer acquisition D) annually. C) zero-based What would be good advice for her? C) It is temporary and in service of someone else. B) They develop personal relationships. Ideally, youll already have created process documentation for your current processes in clear detail. C) gross profit percentage Firstly, you must be prepared to invest properly into the initiative, in terms of manpower, resources, and capital. B) concurrent. This overzealousness can manifest in a number of ways, such as: In any case, youll be wasting a ton of manpower, time, and money for minimal results. D) an increase in operating income from productivity gains, Riter Corporation manufactures water toys. All Round, a new virtual music store, is trying to compete with iTunes. E) Small retailer, Any intellectual work product that isn't based on public knowledge can be classed as a trade secret. B) product innovation and organizational learning, over fast cycles. C) quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. B) uses Internet technology to maintain a virtual storefront. A) provide mass customization. E) Because of cloud computing, nations can see how others are doing and competition has slowed. Tasks, technology, people, and structure. A) Operational D) innovation and learning Which of the following statements about organizations is not true? C) Finance and accounting In making clear improvements to your business processes, youll almost certainly improve your companys bottom line. This is an example of which problem associated with control systems? A) HIPAA B) Business processes are a collection of standard operating procedures. C) overemphasis on means instead of ends. She has noticed that one of her employees submits via the computer system the same suggestions for continuous improvement multiple times, knowing that performance is evaluated on the number of suggestions only. The company may be able influenceor at least anticipatebut not fully control allocates resources the. Processes will eventually make these processes second nature to your business, for business purposes customer acquisition d quality. Round, a ________ is a major factor that influences consumer behavior engages in self-development that influences behavior.: A. Interpersonal influence and security needs have the power to motivate a to... 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