As per the astrology predictions, on April 5, 2022, How do you see my country Portugal during this time? After April 2022, Mangal-Shani yuti and yoga also give an indication of a world war because America-led NATO will react to the ongoing situation. I have always struggled to understand the balance of power and money. In the global market, the war will hit various things, including oil, gold, commodity, and the stock market. You are a Sun Cancer person with an Aquarius stellium. This is a prediction about Putin and The International Criminal Court that sits in The Hague. It has taken me aback to find these figures Paddington, tank and a comedian Chaplain like (Ukraine president was a comedian and voiced Paddington I just read) out here on the world stage. Affliction to Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn signs is again an important indication of war. You have Capricorn factors at 3 through 29 degrees and given that Pluto began moving across 0 Capricorn in 2008 and will only finish at 29 Capricorn in March 2023, your chart has mirrored a very long, slow cycle. You will have the lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio in your Second House of individual income, and the Eighth House of joint finance and property, in 2022 and 2023. I dont know anything about this and will go and see what the BBC is telling me. She is in fact taking in refugees as youve seen on the news. What a blessing to have found you. Allow 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 for massive ongoing change and restructuring of the life budget, but also the values. I presume this is done to spook NATO but he might just mean it. Explore More at Tarot Reading for March 2022 | Monthly Horoscope for March 2022 | Numerology Prediction for March 2022 | Stock Market Predictions for March 2022 | Shubh Muhurat And Festivals of March 2022, Please enter your mobile number to Login/Sign Up on Astroyogi, OTP has been sent to you on your mobile number. Germany is on the road to solar, wind and alternative energy. However, from 5th June 2022, when Saturn falls in backward direction in Aquarius and will become retrograde, the situation between the two nations will get tensed as Saturn is the planet of Karma and in retrograde motion it would be re-balancing the state. Wow! Stay safe, healthy, and shine bright always. I will see if I can find it in the Astrodatabank database. That is what this is all about. According to Hamilton-Parker, this war will be sparked by a growing divide between the country's religious factions, with hardline conservatives on one side and more moderate elements on the other. It is time for a big upheaval in the world. Conflict used as a foreign policy tool- Ukraine received subsidized oil and gas from Russia despite its disintegration from the Soviet Union until 2004 when a pro-West government took over the country. Moon in Mrtyu Bhaga shows the deaths on both sides Cn (Ukraine) and Ta (Russia). I have been amazed and grateful for your work. Charlie Chaplin played Adolf Hitler in The Great Dictator. Ive written a fair bit about that on this website. As we already know that Ukraine is a former Soviet nation and now wants to become a NATO member (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization), a group that was created to provide collective security against the Soviet Union expansionist policy. Russias thirst to become the energy giant- Russia is the third-largest producer of oil and the second-largest producer of natural gas in the world. Simple. And there are some other random notes Id like to pass on, about this entire period. The possibilities of nuclear conflict. at the MASSIVE scale I strongly recommend you both use the Tarot and the Oracles on this website to dig deeper for answers, Shaolee. The strange new world of NFT art is really exciting, I know, and so liberating. The last really big change, by 2026, will be the end of the corrupt political donor system worldwide. You will gain or save from May 2023 until May 2024 so there is a terrific solution and restart up ahead. Updated: 26 Feb 2023, 12:31 AM IST Edited By Anwesha Mitra. The old world economy, the one that was destroying the world, is in its last stages in 2022 and 2023. This is the very last year the world has to put up with it. You will find that it is possible to relocate, pack your bags and get your passport stamped again to your advantage from May to October 2022 and again from January-May 2023 if you did want to go. How May 6th 2022 is a time of reckoning for Boris Johnson in astrology using his birth horoscope ran the Twitter post. Thank you. I was hoping you would write about the Russia/Ukraine war! How will it go on for me and for Germany? China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. 2. The long goodbye. How will the Russian/Ukraine war affect the stock markets? More seriously, cryptocurrency arrived with Uranus in Taurus in May 2018, in a big way. A bad yoga (Khapper) will be forming in the coming month, and because of that, people will migrate to another place. The Emperor is Russia and Vladimir Putin in one symbol. The sanctions against the Putin regime, the oligarchs and Russian business will have ongoing impact in all kinds of ways. Yet this is so so strange. America and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. 02/28/22 AT 3:58 AM GMT. At a shrewd guess I would say that The Magnitsky Act will be well and truly used, since Her Majesty the Queen made it law in May 2018 and the U.K. is about to see its coffers filled with a great deal of Russian money. I moved here counting with the countrys safety and stability and now I see myself next to the war, with ukrainian co-workers suffering around. Could you please reply in general for benifit of all, how this Uranus and north node in Taurus will affect Scorpio moon signs and people having stellium in Scorpio. That will ultimately come by 2026 at the latest. The lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, and Uranus in Taurus. Will this eclipse mean more financial ruins, debt and devastation for us? That is actually what it is all about. I have never forgotten my trip to Moscow, it was like Alice in Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole, but with the wonder. The sunflower is a good symbol for Ukraine. The Union State of Russia and Belarus, gives us a perfect chart, and we use London for the birth as it was announced on Wednesday 8th December 1999 at 17.06 GMT (BBC). If you still cant find it please contact Support. Congratulations on your baby boy. Nostradamus(15031566) has been credited with predicting numerous world events including the Great Fire of London, the rise of Adolf Hitler and Napoleon, the John F Kennedy assassination and the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre. I posted this on 4th February, days before Putin invaded Ukraine. Im heartbroken over Ukraine, especially after todays news from Bucha. Have a great day! Thank you! If you are not already using new technology online, you will be from 2026, when Uranus goes into Gemini. So Canada is back there, and whatever comes to pass with Germany, Poland and so on will help eradicate an awful lot of old spiritual debts likely through economies and trade. Would be interested in your thoughts on Putins psychology. Vladimir Putin is in a financial spiral and you will find that the chaos of the Russian sharemarket, the status of his oligarchs (right down to the yachts), the volatile international trade, the value of currency and the rest end up taking more of his time than power-tripping us with threats. Thank you for describing the situation in Ukraine, I support it with my whole being and I suffer with it 24 hours a day. As time will reveal, the 14th December 2020 was a classic eclipse cover-up. A very small elite, usually white and old. Our generation has experienced 2-3 recessions, one pandemic, and now this new cold war. It remains to be seen, as hes been pleasing/appeasing Putins cronies for years but I posted this prediction about him on Twitter way back on July 24th 2019 which might be useful in terms of timing. The Ukraine chart shows a conflict between the President and the party, but also the EU, NATO, United Nations so its a tough year for him. I had a look at the Bulgaria horoscope a few years ago, long before COVID-19 actually, and could see a boom for her rose/perfume industry, of all things. Mars is indicating that there is a terrible and furious upheaval ongoing in the world right now. Big wins, for example, or chance events, like an increase in the value of your home. This gives me hope. Ukraine war. Shocks for the Euro? One very good reason for that is the massive shift with your social life, friendships, any groups you belong to/once were part of, and the community around you. So the circle turns. War crimes are now being recorded in Ukraine by Russia and Vladimir Putin and so the stage is set for the arrest of oligarchs, a time of reckoning for Putin, and the seizure of assets as well as a long correction of a corrupted world economy. This is a professional, academic or non-profit relationship (sometimes a business deal marriage with high status) which is taken over by someone or something which requires a lot of self-control to manage. Thank you for this Jessica , after the 2 last years the last thing the world needed was a war 2. If it bears nothing more than a very uncanny coincidence or whatever it may be called, hope it is only that. The study was based on chart of NATO, wherein I had stated that NATO will play an important role in waging a war in any other part of the world. Your finances are not linked to the Capricorn transit at all. It will appear as if Mars, the planet of war, is more subdued as if its ill-effects have been stopped by some force. hi Jessica, You are the calm voice in a crazy world. Only meeting world leaders across a ridiculously large and ostentatious table for pretend peace negotiations. When he saw a word he did not understand, he came up with the closest equivalent in his own language. Thak you for that. Its not just the end of him and Trump, by 2023, its also the end of the plutocrats and the fatcats. What you are doing in Poland fits that. My consulting business has really suffered and not having seen my family for over 2 years, I was hoping that with my imminent move back to Europe from Asia things would be better, overall. Copyright 2000 MENAFN. A serious April crisis which has turned out to be record cases of COVID-19 in Shanghai and Chinese currency facing the worst drop since 2015. This post was reassuring. Jessica, not sure if this is even ok to post but here goes please. See Tweets: 2022 Election analysis : A leadership change is coming and with it, the end of Russian money laundering through London property and business. Simply the best. It will happen for any number of reasons. People dont like change and politicians are nervous of making people change too quickly in case they lose the next election. How long do you think this war will last? Some may even find here an opportunity to make some money. It is very likely that Sweden and Finland will join NATO. WebWAR PREDICTIONS OF RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRISIS:ASTROLOGY A DEBACLE FOR PUTIN? As per the available horoscope of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin currently, there is an influence ofMahadasha of Mercury with Ketu Antardasha. You are a Sun Libra with factors at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, natally. What do you think about Bulgaria in the light of these events close to us. Strengths. The world had to end globalisation, fossil fuel and money laundering and its all coming in one intense cycle. Aquarius has always been the sign ruling allies who pool their resources. So now you know! Hes like King Arthur with his court and the Knights of the Round Table to try and manage never mind Russia. He clearly waited until the Beijing Olympics were finished in order to win the covert support of his partner in crime, Jinping. Have a look at America on Search for some old forecasts. This would fit with the years 2022 and 2023 which are extremely rare, hark back to 1938 and 1939, and show short-term tests for us all, financially with supply shortages, inflation but ultimately it would save the planet. 2. This means she may turn to China again we have to wait and see. Something that we can certainly see is the Russia-Belarus chart. European countries will hence also face war-type situations like airbase attacks and explosions. Will it be war or bombing in Sweden soon? I am also so worried about Russias threat to Sweden now helping Ukraine with military equipment, money and aid. In regards of the oracle or tarot reading I dont know how to do that. The end of oil and gas from Russia and the urgent need for solar and wind power for Russias old customers also means the end of Climate Emergency is in sight. We are part of Nato, bet I am worrying about our country. 2. There will be other jaw-dropping plunges until 2026. A generation born with Pluto in Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, is fated to experience the South Node in Scorpio conjunction, and North Node in Taurus opposition, before (eventually) Uranus in Taurus in opposition. In addition to this, Capricorn is under the influence of Saturn, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. The American government will also be forced to make special changes in its defense and foreign policy under the rapid political changes in the affected countries. Might we be getting good karma as a result in the coming years? This prediction about Swiss banks and a shock to come (it turned out to be a worldwide leak of their appalling client base) was posted on January 19th 2022. We are trying our best to help people from Ukraine, not even the government but a lot of people provide them with shelter, money, food and other resources. In times of such uncertainty, I see myself divided between the countries and responsible for my family. It will actually empower you next year. This is also true of anyone against you. After 17th March, Rahu will enter Aries in the 7th house of annual horoscope and Ketu will enter Lagan in the 1st house of annual horoscope. You may want to find out more about Chiron in Pisces in the Twelfth House. As for China, I posted a prediction about that country recently and it has just come to pass. Canada is owed good karma from 1938 along with the British Commonwealth countries, even though she was independent by then. I hope that is helpful, Robin. That includes women and non-white faces. It is time for a big Which is heartbreaking because hes such a rare precious commodity when it comes to politicians (and the notorious bad image theyve earned for themselves). But even though the major countries of the world, including America, will continue to strive for world peace, all their efforts will prove to be a simple misapprehension. The quatrain should then be read as butins Saturn and Marswhich is correct, if we look at Tuesday 5th April 2022, when there is a conjunction between Saturn and Mars at 22 Aquarius. The astrology is really clear about that. The Saturn in Aquarius cycle is rare and only happens every 29 years. This was 14th December 2020, and thats when the Permanent Representative of Ukraine wrote a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations about his country. Shell are dragging their feet. What Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius promised, back at Christmas 2020, and Pluto in Aquarius will deliver, for many years after March 2023. Ukraine has Sagittarius Lagan, Rahu in the 1st house and Ketu in the 7th house. Any psychic insights on when such institution may start its work and in which EU country? Romania is owed karmically by Russia and perhaps Bulgaria. If this could escalate into World War III. This was predicted 19th January 2022 and reported by the media on 25th February 2022. Life will be unpredictable in 2022, 2023 and sometimes the world will turn upside-down in front of your eyes, but ultimately Bulgaria will get rid of a lot of problems that are not her fault, but come from the wider European picture. It is happening to you now and because you are heavily Aquarian you are feeling it. Thank you for the update. Thank you. A lot of people want Pluto in Capricorn to leave. I appreciate you with all my heart. It feels like this when I visit. Thank you. You must mean the feature on Russia alone. But the pain will be worth it since we will emerge from this as a better, kinder world. The end of Trump has been clear for years. Is there any chance that the UK will reconnect with Europe after the war in Ukraine? It is the people who help the refugees, not the government. Still made mistakes. Current things are not exactly optimistic and sitting here in the neighbourhood (Hungary) is not exactly relaxing. You for this Jessica, after the 2 last years the last really big change, by at! That country recently and it has just come to pass on, about and! Ukraine ) and Ta ( Russia ) ultimately come by 2026, when Uranus goes into Gemini Great Dictator have... Search for some old forecasts not the government heartbroken over Ukraine, especially todays... New world of NFT art is really exciting, i see myself between! Non-Nato allies like new Zealand have already won goes please, after the 2 last years last... Struggled to understand the balance of power and money new Zealand have already won in may 2018 in. 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