Belinda waved hello as soon as she saw Hannah. Combining First/Second/Third Person. Card B. Cancel any time. The wordthe pronoun refers back to is known as an antecedent. A)demonstrative pronoun B)indefinite pronoun C)interrogative pronoun D)relative pronoun E)not a pronoun, None of those bagels look fresh. Othey could not speak English very Write the question form of present continuous using the infinitive brackets. This means that they refer back to the noun they are replacing. .B. You can ask a new question or browse more Language Arts questions. a.too many pronouns b.too many antecedents antecedents d.hidden antecedents, Which type of vague pronoun reference is used in this sentence? Manage Settings Vague referencing occurs when the pronoun refers to a word that is implied, not explicitly mentioned. Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. It allows a reader to picture the story. The antecedent is not clear 2.C. >> <<. 2. Writers use pronouns to avoid . A. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Get access to thousands of practice questions and explanations! easy 100 for yall. In the next example given by Richard Nordquist, it is not clear if the bridge or car fell into the water. By definition, pronouns, which take the place of a noun, cannot refer to an idea expressed in an entire sentence or statement; instead, a pronoun must refer back to a specific noun. You can imply qualifiers like "some" and "many" simply by saying something is not an absolute. The president frowned - he was clearly worried by it. A)reference B)case C)agreement 3)The pronoun those is an interrogative pronoun used with singular nouns .True/False. For example, the first-person pronouns I and we point to the speaker (s) or narrator (s), so no specific noun antecedent is needed. What is an overly broad pronoun reference? How does a vague pronoun reference cause confusion for the reader or listener: It makes the reader or listener guess which pronouns are being used. Now the sentence's meaning is clear! What is the best definition of a vague pronoun? Check correct pronoun usage fast with our online pronoun detector. I hope you find the book useful. Introduction to the Topic Pronouns are incredibly common in both speech and writing, but they are often sources of confusion for listeners and readers. Unclear pronoun reference, along with a mismatch between the pronoun and its referent (or antecedent, the word the pronoun is intended to replace), are issues that frequently cause students trouble. ( Don't do it if you don't know it or if you Vague: The students paper showed little revision between drafts. Trust me I just took the test. the answer is Don't use vague pronoun references. Better. Can you repeat what he said? What are some examples of vague pronouns? Here are 15 common grammar mistakes that can kill your credibility as a writer: 1. Add a noun after this: The students paper showed little revision between drafts, and this problem lowered his grade. Sometimes this works, but often the reader has to re-read to find the reference. How does a vague pronoun reference cause confusion for the reader or listener: It makes the reader or listener guess which pronouns are being used. In such cases, the true antecedent is "hidden" or obscured from the reader because it has been subordinated to another noun. An unclear pronoun reference occurs when it is not clear which noun a pronoun refers to. The easiest way to fix this problem would be to simply replace the first she with the name of the person who enjoyed the movie: Example 2: Sally and Anita went to the movie, and Sally said she really liked it. low blood sugar. . The University Writing Programs (UWPs) were created to promote, support and assess the goals for writing and learning at the University of New Hampshire. Pronouns are words that are used in the place of nouns . A pronoun's antecedent is the word to which the pronoun refers. B.The pronouns do not agree in number. One of the obvious early signs of autism in children is pronoun reversal. An antecedent is the thing that came before. I disliked the implied criticism in his voice. 1. They say that this nail polish dries in less than five minutes. All toddlers have difficulty with learning the correct usage of I, me and you. Check this dictionary definition to find the pronoun. / vague pronoun reference errors also occur when the pronoun's antecedent functions as an adjective rather than a noun. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. (Subject pronoun) My parents said theyve given ME enough time already. D.The antecedent of a pronoun is not clear. David lent his motorcycle to someone who allowed their friend to use it. If the antecedent is missing, rewrite the sentence to include a clear antecedent for each vague pronoun. __ Sentence fragment This is a fragment, it is not a complete sentence. In this sentence, "her" stands in place of "mother's" so that we can say "her son" instead of "mother's son." "She" stands in place of the second "mother.". Pronouns and Antecedents. Question 3 SURVEY 60 seconds Q. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The, Responses an interpretive reader an interpretive reader a critical reader a critical reader an accurate reader an accurate, Responses an interpretive reader an interpretive reader an accurate reader an accurate reader a factual reader a factual reader, An = not a noun or pronoun evaluation = noun with = not a noun or pronoun Maddox = noun rod = noun was = not a noun or pronoun consistent = not a noun or pronoun with = not a noun or crossed = not a. The first way is to replace the vague pronoun with the noun. To what extent is CA relate to culture? i think. A.In the past, people took plenty of photographs using traditional film and typically kept more personal shots, lik The antecedent of a pronoun is not clear. The great world seemed to swing wide like the gates of the Fair, and. A vague pronoun is when its not clear to who or what your pronoun is referring to. C. The pronouns do not agree in number. The children went to. " In the book it says that sharks must move in order to breathe. A)demonstrative pronoun B)indefinite pronoun C)interrogative pronoun D)relative pronoun E)not a pronoun, THIS is the dog I was telling you about. (1 point) The verb should agree with cakes, which is a plural noun. It makes them have to consult a dictionary to figure out the pronoun reference. It tells the reader how the, If anyone accepts his challenge he will be sorry. Avoid most pronoun reference problems by following these rules: Make pronouns agree in person and number with their antecedents. C.A 14-year-old girl was surprised when she discovered that her mother had been posting photos of her on social media without her even knowing about it. An error occurred trying to load this video. A ** common. This means that they refer back to the noun they are replacing. First, that of bringing the reader close to the feelings of the narrator. lack of oxygen. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Look at this sentence. __ Pronoun shift in number __ Pronoun shift in person __ Ambiguous reference __ No error What does ambiguous reference mean? -a personal, My brother owes me money and HE refuses to pay me. She holds an M.Ed from Boston College and Ed.D from the University of New England. Each of these sentences has the same problem: * Harry was always late for class, and it drove his teacher crazy. Take a look at theseexamples of vague pronoun references: After putting the disk in the cabinet, Mabel sold it.. In this sentence "himself" is an object pronoun, subject pronoun, intensive pronoun, reflexive pronoun? However, sometime between two-and-a-half and three years old, most kids gain a firm grasp of personal pronouns. D. Too many antecedent and no antecedent demonstrative pronoun indefinite pronoun interrogative pronoun relative pronoun not a pronoun, This car was fixed by the woman WHOSE parents used to live in New York. In this example, the best way to fix the pronoun reference problem is to rephrase the sentence. Another way is to rephrase the entire sentence. .B. When pronouns are used, they should always have something to "stand" on, which means no pronoun should be used without a clear antecedent (a noun - person, place, or thing). e You can ask a new question or browse more ELA questions. .B. Sometimes, it is clearer to repeat a key word or phrase or choose a different word. Edwin told Kenny that Dr. Wilson suspected that he had cheated on the chemistry exam.. Consider this . O D. Illinois, how does a sea affect the coastal area ?. Theyre short-cut words that help us avoid repetition. It makes the reader 1 answer ELA asked by kendell 357 views If your question is not fully disclosed, then try using the search on the site and find other answers on the subject English. The The answer is, the antecedent of the pronoun is not clear. A vague pronoun reference cause confusion for the reader or listener by "it makes the reader or listener take longer to understand the authors meaning" A pronoun is a word that can be used instead of a noun. The receipt for the book is attached. A.A pronoun replaces an antecedent. Example 1: Jonathan told Marcus that his dog had escaped the backyard fence. Unclear Pronoun Reference makes sentences confusing, vague, and difficult to understand. 2. It makes How does a vague pronoun reference cause confusion for the reader or listener? First-person pronoun b.) Conversation analysis, -the attention of the reader -communicating effectively -understanding the reference -the level of meaning* Which connection must be made to interpret an allusion? Relative Clause, Quiz & Worksheet - Classical Management Theory (1900-1930). , ditional film and typically kept more personal shots, like baby pictures, in photo albums that usually remained on a shelf.B. Masako took Jonah's woolen hat by mistake, thinking it was **hers** a.) A vague pronoun reference might include words such as it, that, this, and which, and can leave the reader wondering what or to whom the pronoun refers. The level of meaning. (1 point) Responses a change in person between the pronoun and its antecedent a change in person between the. Confusion can be caused by a number of different factors. Correct: Our sun is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, but the hot temperatures have ionized these gases . Mary Jacques has been teaching most subjects to grades K-8 for over 20 years. for connexus, Redox and connections 2567 something is correct I got 100! When you use a pronoun, its standing in for a word you used previouslythats the antecedent. * It allows the author to see the person's facial expressions and the camera angle. Let's look at some of the most common vague pronoun errors I see in student writing and how to fix them: 1. Which among the following was a state that supported slavery? I did not attend my best friends birthday party, which was really unsupportive of me.. Specifically, they begin to understand that . The witness called the television station, but they didnt answer.. a vague pronoun reference might include words such as it, that, this, and which, and can leave the reader wondering what or to whom the pronoun refers. It only takes a few minutes. It tells the reader when other characters will appear. Why does ulnar nerve injury causes claw hand? Q. Draw an arrow to the antecedent for each circled word. To review, a pronoun is a word used to take the place of a noun and should refer to one unmistakable noun preceding it. B. "O Dubinushka," they sang, and "Tortured and Enslaved," and other Russian folk and revolutionary, we've been learning about this but i'm still confused, 2. , ept more personal shots, like baby pictures, in photo albums that usually remained on a shelf.B. (Possessive pronoun) I now have to pay my parents back. Using demonstrative pronouns, such as 'it' or 'those,' except a clear antecedent can cause confusion. A faulty pronoun reference confuses readers. She has a Masters in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University and a Bachelor's in English from Thomas Edison State University. I hope you find it useful. It allows the reader to understand, This is the dog I was telling you about. In the corrected sentence, we've replaced the vague she with Sally. .B. It adds music and visuals to change the tone. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Example 2: She is allergic to peanuts and could not eat any of the cookies. demonstrative pronoun indefinite pronoun interrogative pronoun relative pronoun not a pronoun, 1) The choice of this narrator can have the following functions. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. B. September 22, 2021 Reddox is correct I got 100% on connexus answered by unknow September 22, 2021 It makes the reader or listener guess which antecedent is being referred to. A and D. too many antecedents and no antecedents Correct pronoun usage helps avoid repeating yourself in your writing! Already registered? This lowered his grade. They'll climb up the ladder with us. If you understand how pronouns relate to nouns, you can avoid confusion in your writing. Pronouns must clearly reference the appropriate antecedent. ok i got all the answersssssssss Learn more about grammar with Online Writing Trainings online course, Grammar, Punctuation and Usage. glossary index thesaurus dictionary, Do you know someone who can fix a lamp? Take, for example, this sentence that was given earlier, in which an unclear antecedent for "he" was demonstrated: President George Washington and his . Masako took Jonah's woolen hat by mistake, thinking it was HERS. (1 point) Responses a change in person between the pronoun and its antecedent a change in person between the, A)reference B)case C)agreement 2)They say we will not be able to afford to own houses in a few years. If you can't find the antecedent or if it seems unclear, you can: Replace the pronoun with a noun Supply the missing antecedent Use a possessive pronoun to refer back to a possessive antecedent We often use pronouns to refer to noun weve previously mentioned. What is a vague pronoun reference example? These are bad in writing but terrible in speech. 3. It tells the reader where and when the, Responses A It tells the reader where and when the story happens. Here is another example of a pronoun without any antecedent at all. If you do find unclear antecedents due to multiple possible antecedents, there are two easy ways to fix the problem: (1) replace the pronoun with its antecedent, or (2) rewrite the sentence. Dakota has a crush on some but scared to tell him. How Hard Is the CSET Multiple Subject Test? Remote referencing occurs when a pronoun refers to something mentioned further back in the document. Add a noun before which: The students paper showed little revision between drafts, a problem which resulted in a lower grade. A vague pronoun reference also occurs when they, them, their, theirs, it, or its is used without its antecedent. Yall are lying Connexus is wrong I got a F thanks a lot, here are the real ones no cap A C B C trust me pls im not caping, 1.A 2.B 3.BC 4.C you can trust me im not lieing and i hop this helps. It allows the reader to see only the words that were intentionally chosen by the author to convey their ideas. Praxis Elementary Education: Math CKT (7813) Study Guide North Carolina Foundations of Reading (190): Study Guide North Carolina Foundations of Reading (090): Study Guide General Social Science and Humanities Lessons, AP Environmental Science: Help and Review, OAE School Library Media Specialist (041) Prep. Otherwise, you risk confusing your reader and obscuring the intended meaning of your arguments. e baby pictures, in photo albums that usually remained on a shelf. It allows, 1. A pronoun may point back to other items in a text ( anaphoric reference) or . 1.A. The farmers have to raise their cattle to be strong and healthy enough to eat. D Jacob is also a keen swimmer. Cats, unlike dogs and fond of sitting on laps. Remember, by definition, pronouns, which take the place of a noun, cannot refer to an idea expressed in an entire sentence or statement; instead, a pronoun must refer back to a specific noun. Which sentence has a unclear pronoun reference? Vague definition, not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises. Using demonstrative pronouns, such as 'it' or 'those,' without a clear antecedent can cause confusion. Vague: The students paper showed little revision between drafts, which lowered his grade. Using demonstrative pronouns, such as 'it' or 'those,' without a clear antecedent can cause confusion. Vague Pronoun Reference 1. Students. It makes the reader or listener take longer to understand the author's meaning. A. indefinite pronoun ambiguous reference no specific antecedent, Nancy found a watch in the drawer but it didn't work. A.A pronoun replaces an antecedent. Read the excerpt.Pushing the keys on a piano activates wood hammers inside the instrument that strike strings inside, which then resonate to produce sound. For student help and even more tips and strategies, visit the JWU Writing Coaches. He implied that we were emotionally immature. 4. ), 1.) Electric lighting was a novelty before it became (1 point) unusual. Like pronouns, both of these constructions require the audience to remember certain details in order to understand a later reference to them. verb form and, If the driver hits another car in a moving violation, the cost of your insurance will go up. Adjectives like "all," "every," and "any" are absolutes, while qualifiers such as "some" and "many" are not. (Object pronoun) EVERYBODY is mad at me now. Faulty / vague pronoun reference errors also occur when the pronoun's . A vague pronoun reference occurs when pronouns such as they, them, theirs, are being used without their antecedents. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. A pronoun should have only one antecedent (noun) that is clear and unmistakable. What is the difference between a pronoun and an antecedent? 2.C. Log in here for access. While civility is a desirable trait in all societies, it's often misunderstood and misinterpreted. It makes the reader or listener take longer to understand the author's meaning. - Definition & History. Business writing, Choose the right word, Online writing blog, Resources, Words resources, Writing resources, Online writing blog, Resources, Writing resources. Sally told Janice that she made the honor role. Jacob is a director on numerous boards. Example: Jane and her friend June visited her relatives in. Ancient Kingdom of Israel: Timeline & Map, Endometrial Ablation: Procedure, Recovery & Side Effects, Magnetic Declination: Definition & Angles, Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Definition, Symptoms & Causes. Did Mabel sell the disk or the cabinet? Pronoun Reference. too many antecedents no antecedents Select the two correct answers. D. A pronoun is repeated in a sentence. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Vague reference occurs when a pronoun refers to a word that is only implied, not stated. It will become easier to fathom the context. An appropriate noun or noun phrase may be added after this or before which. A)demonstrative pronoun B)indefinite pronoun C)interrogative pronoun D)relative pronoun E)not a pronoun. They can help a reader remember a story. What is a vague reference? How does a vague pronoun reference cause confusion for the reader? A)demonstrative pronoun B)indefinite pronoun C)interrogative pronoun D)relative pronoun E)not a pronoun, None of those bagels look fresh. Pronouns clearly reference a specific person or thing. expensive. The most important difference between an outline and finished writing is the, 1 Neither of we boys was going to the ball game. i (buy) some new clothes at the moment. They is underlined and this, Responses It tells the reader how the resolution will happen. The issue I see most often in student writing is the use of a pronoun that does not refer to one specific noun. In such cases, the true antecedent is hidden from the reader because it has been subordinated to another noun. correct form of be and have in the present tense. They help us avoid repeating the same nouns over and over again, which can get tedious for the reader or listener. If the subject of the sentence is singular, its verb must also be singular; and if the subject is plural, the verb must . They can help a reader to be objective. It makes the reader or listener guess which antecedent is being referred to. 2. Her is a pronoun representing the daughter in a simple construction that causes no confusion. The conversion of former US investment banking giants Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley into commercial banks (which have tougher capital requirements) had the unintended consequence of squeezing funding to hedge funds which in turn has exacerbated their dumping of assets across world markets. 2. (Object pronoun), -That- is my favorite fiction book. a. first-person pronoun b. second-person pronoun c. reflexive pronoun d. possessive pronoun*** 2. As with deletions, we can clarify by asking the other person or ourselves what our pronouns refer to. We is underlined and this is a subject pronoun 2. Thus, we call this . its 100%, 1. Vague referencing occurs when the pronoun refers to a word that is implied, not explicitly mentioned. Summary C. Hook D. Point of view Student Answer: B Answer: Incorrect Reference: 3. Edwin told Kenny that Dr. Wilson suspected that Kenny had cheated on the chemistry exam.. Another kind of faulty / vague pronoun reference problem occurs when writers use a pronoun without giving the pronoun any antecedent at all. Example: Dishes were on the tables, but we didn't need them. The pronoun reference is vague here because the pronoun it has two antecedents. I can only choose one answer, " " " -reqire or requires " " " are not or is not regular and irregular verbs: are not or is not. To revise, substitute a noun for the pronoun it., The candy dish was empty, but we were tired of eating candy anyway.. Vague pronoun reference often occurs when pronouns are used at the start of a sentence. The top problem I see is errors in pronoun number. Two psychological signs that grade 12 learners could look out for which may indicate that they are stressed, What prevents you from using your freedom responsibly?, 18. .B. You can cause confusion for your readers when your pronounsdont relate clearly back to a specific word or phrase. The easiest way to avoid using vague pronouns in your writing is to ensure that you are clear and specific about what you are referring to, which is best accomplished by using demonstrative pronouns as adjectives that modify a more descriptive term (e.g., This inconsistency or These findings). C.) They can help a reader to be objective. 2) Second, it (? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. indefinite pronoun ambiguous reference no specific antecedent, Nancy found a watch in the drawer but it didn't work. 3. Example: In this example, the pronoun they has NO noun antecedent to which it can refer. Question 10 SURVEY 30 seconds Q. was or am. The frequency that the listener will hear is2000 Hz. In this example, the pronoun they has no antecedent to which it can refer. The nouns before the pronoun, is the noun antecedent. Too many antecedent help pleaseArticle Sharetening Total TMIWhat is this Article mainly about?A.In the past, people took plenty of photographs using tra Here's a tip: . This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The noun or noun phrase that a pronoun refers to is called the antecedent . Can you repeat___? -This- is a good collection of books, too. Vague definition, not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises. Failing to do that will cause a confusion to the reader. Mary holds certifications in Elementary Education, Moderate Disabilities, Reading and ESL. That problem is vague pronoun reference. The receipt for the book is attached. vague pronoun references missing comma in a compound sentences wrong words missing comma (s) with a nonessential elements wrong or missing verb endings wrong or missing prepositions comma splices missing or misplaced possessive apostrophes unnecessary shifts in tense unnecessary shifts in pronouns sentence fragments wrong tense or verb forms A faulty pronoun reference will result in a muddled sentence and a confused reader. .C. Ways to Correct Vague Pronouns You could combine the two parts into a single statement: The fact that Harry was always late drove his teacher crazy. . In "Day of the Butterfly," Myra and Jimmy would spend recess in the little black porchbetween the Boys' Side and the Girls' Side because reference case agreement, 1.We learned about the Anasazi people. Mary thought the cookies smelled delicious, but she is allergic to peanuts and could not eat any of the cookies. A,E. The pronoun could simply be replaced by an identifying noun: The antecedent may also be identified by adding an introductory phrase: Become a member to unlock the rest of this instructional resource and thousands like it. It makes them guess which pronouns are being used. Contact us by phone at (877)266-4919, or by mail at 100ViewStreet#202, MountainView, CA94041. The receipt for the book is attached. e.g. The word which has no single, clear antecedent. The car went over the bridge just before it fell into the water. 2. Too many antecedent, @Connexus 2507 Is Correct I Got 100% On The Quick Check. A pronoun is a part of speech that can replace a noun; its antecedent is the person, place, or thing to which the pronoun refers. When in doubt, consult a dictionary - or simply don't use the word. 2. In the above sentence, Jacob is the antecedent. 1.A 2.A 3.C,D 4,Too many antecedents, 1.A. _______ lowered his grade. It makes them have to consult a dictionary to figure out the pronoun reference. (1 point) responses compare and contrast words compare and contrast words signal words signal words cause and 4. A vague pronoun antecedent occurs when a pronoun refers to one or more groups of words and the reference is not clear. These are some of the most common pronouns: First person singular: I, me . To repair this error, the writer could change the pronoun they to a noun. Any pronoun whose reference is unclear should be replaced by the noun that you intended it to stand for. * Harry was always late for class, and this drove his teacher crazy. The reasons include a pronoun replaces an antecedent, the antecedent of a pronoun is not clear and the pronouns do not agree in number. Each person should follow their dreams. Here, their is a plural pronoun and person is a singular noun. Again, which can get tedious for the reader where and when pronoun... 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